Chapter Eleven: Drugs

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Chapter Eleven: Drugs

Dedication to MelikaSalime for all the votes and comments. Thank you.

Turns out peter was just being a jerk to see my reaction. I mean yes, I wanted to get out of this hell hole as soon as I could with or without helping Diego even if I really wanted to help i still wanted to spend my birthday with friends and family.

So, after Peter came in and told me that he forced me to walk around the entire house with him twice to see if i was actually lying about me being pain free or not. Obviously, he knew there would be pain he just didn't know how high my pain tolerance was.

"You're nowhere near ready" he snarled.

"Well, what do you expect me to do sit around on my ass all day like being kidnapped is a breeze" i say irritated.

"I don't care what you do as long as you're not making your leg worse."

"Awhh" i say putting a hand on my heart "the beast actually cares". He just groans in response.

"Oh can i ask a question?" He looks back at me deciding weither or not its safe to say yes. "Come on how dangerous can a question be?"

"Arg fine what do you want?"

"What happened to Jasmine?" His face almost instantly softened before he covered it back over with the scowl i was used to.

"Shes not hear don't bother looking" he says turning around ready to leave.

"That didn't answer my question" i call out. He stops in his tracks not looking back

"Shes with her mother and her sister out of the country" he says still not facing me. He stands there for a few more seconds before he moves.

So i never actually made a friend it was all a lie.

"Hurry up" peter yells thats when i realize i had unconsciously stopped

"Im coming im coming" i groan following peters footsteps but that doesn't mean that was all i was doing. In fact, without then knowing luckily i have been memorizing the exit route i would take to escape this place and get home.

Sadly, enough i can't tell dad anything important about this place because i gave them my word and a Botòr never breaks their word.

All thats left is for me to tell kaylem hopefully he would be okay with it since technically hes been trapped here for about 8 or 9 years let me see his parents died when he was 7 and hes now 15 so yeah that sounds about right surley he would want to leave.

"Hey dumbo stop day dreaming" Peter says waving a hand infront of my face.

"Huh" i mumble not knowing if he was talking before or not.

"Argg" he grumbles "why do i even bother trying" he says slapping his hand on his forehead "you're as dumb as a door knob."

"Hey, no need to be rude" i say turning on my heels and crossing my arms.

"Why do i put up with this. I'm supposed to be in charge not you" he says in a tone that seems like he's embarrassed.

"What can i say im a charmer" i smirk.

"Yeah, charmer my butt"

"Soooo ... what were you talking about before when i wasn't listening."

"Oh i was saying that I'm Gunna shoot you-"

"Again" i cough interrupting him.

"Technically i didn't shoot you."

"Mmm Hmmm"

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