Chapter Two: Sparing

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Chapter Two: Sparing

Dedication to PiperGraceMclean for voting on my story and for actually reading it

I left soon after daddy let me go and went to see mum who was in the kitchen cooking lunch. She also had the same reaction as daddy but her hug was way stronger, Believe it or not.

After cleaning up the dishes from lunch. (Yea I know what you're thinking why am I doing the dishes when we have maids? well that's because we like to do most of the stuff ourselves. You know not having to rely on others expect when we are all busy and the house need cleaning. But all our hired staff are given an extremely good pay for their work.) I went to my room collapsing on the bed for a second time today. After a few minutes of just lying there staring up at the felling I got up looked at my calendar.

One week till school starts.

Instantly A smile makes its way on my face due to the fact I had a perfect plan to make daddy let me go to school. Since I am the daughter of the famous Antonio Botòr he believed that letting me go to school was too dangerous so I have been home schooled for 17 long years.

I got up of my bed, raced down stairs and quickly knocked on daddy's door. Impatiently waiting for his response before racing in the room. "Daddy, daddy, daddy" I said a bit to fast so I was surprised when he heard me perfectly

"Angelina dear what's wrong?" He said panicked

"school starts in one week" I said jumping up and down. His facial expression dramatically relaxing

"we have talked about this, it's to dangerous for you to go to school" he said watching me carefully but when he realised my smile wasn't fading her got very suspicious. "What?" He asked raising an eyebrow "what do you have planned?"

"Okay daddy so you know how you want me to go to this fancy Masquerade ball. In a dress. And how you want me to find a husband." He slowly nodded his head "well I will pinkie promise you that I will actually give them a fighting chance if you let me go to school"

"Its still too dangerous, I don't know what's going on behind those walls"

"But daddy that's where my amazing plan comes into action you have undercover body guards in the school as students or as teachers." He looked up at me deciding either or not it's a good idea

"what if there are already students in there that know about you identity and use this opportunity to hurt you, what if they discover who your guards are and take them out"

"That's simple my guards won't be with me at all times but they will always be able to see me. It's simple they will be in the back ground and pretend not to notice my existence and if they do it could be because they are just curious on who the new girl is. Daddy I go down to the gym and spar against your personal bodyguards almost every day other days I'm in there boosting my skills against unknown competitors. I can protect myself in any given moment that my guards cannot see me Witch will be a very rare time." Daddy looked up at me surprised that I have given this much thought to almost ever scenario. He took a deep breath before finally giving in

"Fine you can go to school" he grunted out. I let out a sharp high pitched squeal as I ran up and hugged the life out of my dad. But that didn't last long as a group of men barged into the office fearing the worse "stand down men, my daughters just gotten a bit to happy" he said the men relaxed

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