Chapter Five: Masquerade Mishaps Part One

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Dedication to CreeksideChills for all of the votes

Chapter Five: Masquerade Mishaps Part One

I got dressed into a nice warm pair of pants and a cozy jumper before heading off to see daddy who was still waiting in the kitchen for me.

Slowly i walk towards the kitchen trying not to think about what just happened between me and Lincon

Was he going to kiss me?
If he wasn't why did he learn in?
But so many thoughts were running through my mind i couldn't push them all away.

"Angelina" daddy called out.

"Yes, I'm here" i replied coming into his view.

"Please sit down this is a serious matter" he said gesturing to a seat on his right. I sat in the seat eager but hesitant to hear what he had to say.

"It's about the masquerade ball" my heart sank into my chest i didn't want to go. "Yes, sweetie i know what you're thinking but we have to throw one its traditional" i sighed at my father's words. I knew he was right but i still hated the idea "it will be held tonight" he said suddenly causing me to chock on my own saliva.

"it's what!" I ask to astound "what the hell, why so soon you can't possibly be ready for a ball so soon."

"Sweetie, we have been planning this day for years" daddy says to me sadly but i knew in his heart he was happy to finally see the day - me going to a masquerade ball. He was always a romantic type at heart even though his line of work kind of demands otherwise it never stopped daddy from being the man he is today.

"Why does this have to be a tradition" i say quietly under my breath.

"I'm so sorry sweetie" daddy says hearing my words that weren't meant to be heard.

"I'm going to go to the gym if you need me" i said getting up out of my chair.

"wait" he called out to me. I turned towards him waiting for what he had to say so i could leave "there will be people coming in, they will be doing your hair, makeup and any other doodads that need to be done" i groaned in annoyance under my breath but i still nodded in response before turning on my heels towards the gym.

I enter the gym to see Lincon doing pushups on the mats. I remember what happened earlier and a red flush makes its way to my cheeks. Breathe i think to myself it was accidental nothing to worry about.

I walk over towards the punching bag lucky for me it wasn't on Lincon's side of the gym so i wouldn't have to start up an awkward conversation.

I wrapped my hands up with the tape then straight after I'm finish i land a few punches into the bag. Then a few more and more until i can no longer feel the pain within my knuckles that was there mere minutes ago. I am sweating and out of breath before i finally sit down.

"Damn you, okay?" Lincon asks i look up to see him standing above me in a black singlet, with a towel around his neck and with droplets of sweat dancing around his forehead and damnnn he looked good. I snapped back and looked at him confused "you looked pissed" he states my confused expression now changes to an understanding one.

"ohh yeah" i sigh.

"wanna talk about it?" He asks.

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