Chapter Thirty-three: hugs for the nutella boy?

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Chapter Thirty-Three:
Hugs for the nutella boy?

Dedication to  , and  for completing my challenge and being great readers :) im glad to have you as fans

Quick question. Can you see the full titles of each chapter?

Before they all engulf me into a big bear hug "your okay now" they cooe while rubbing my back i look up to see lincon and kaylems worried faces like they never expected me to be in this situation and to be honest with you, neither did i.

"Can you walk?" Kaylem asks softly

"Yeah" i smile but as soon as my feet touch the ground someone picks me up bridal style

"Ryder?" I ask barely a whisper

"You've been out here for hours there is no way im nor anyone else will be making you walk anymore" he says sternly while looking ahead

I rest both my hands in my stomach as i lay my head against his chest listening to the sound of his heart pounding as i drift slowly into a deep sleep but before im completely out of it i hear the guys talking

"Is she okay? I've never seen her like that"

"Kay, dont worry about it shes a strong girl she always has been for as long as we have known her" Lincon says

"Why did you leave her out here alone?" I hear kaylem ask but get no answer

"Ryder stop!" Suddenly Ryder does as hes told

"Shes bleeding!" that sounds like Alex

"Huh!?" He says

"Shes not on her period or anything is she?" Now that i could tell was Tylers stupid comment

"Shut up you idiot!" I could tell Ryder was worried

"Angie wake up we need to see where your bleeding from"

"My hand" i whisper tiredly remembering the stinging sensation i received trying to catch my falling body.

"It cant be just you hand the blood is literally dripping off you" Alex says concerned

"Mmmm" i mumble trying to go to sleep

"Sorry Angie your not allowed to sleep now" Ryder says walking faster

"You're... not....the boss of me..." i say almost completely asleep

"I am" i faintly hear lincon say

"Amgmgh" i groan

"Come on wake up or no nutella"

"B-but you promised" i say still not opening my eyes "and you should never break promises"

"kaylem and i pinkie promise not to swear if you open your damn eyes to show us your okay"

I dont reply at first but after a few seconds i slowly open my eyes like i had actually just woken up from a long nap even though i never got that far

"Good princessà now let me keep seeing those beautiful green eyes" Tyler says with a wink just to annoy him i shut them quickly only to open them again causing Alex to laugh at him

"Rejected" he laughed trying to lighten the mood and he did because i found myself soon smiling

"Were almost at the car" Ryder said still keeping a fast face

"Can i drive?" But instead of the 'yes' i was hoping for he laughed at me and said "in your dreams"

"Okay night then" i mumble closing my eyes

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