Chapter Three: Gifts

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Chapter Three: Gifts

"It's beautiful" I said entwining the fabric around my fingers.

"I knew you would like it."

"I also have a few things to match the dress for you."

"Okay mum enough you know I only accept presents once a year, on my birthday. But now you're spooling me with jewels and presents. I'm mean yeah, I know we can easily afford this stuff, but I feel extremely bad for taking this stuff" I said looking down at the dress in my lap.

"Sweetie we never get to spoil you, ever" she says a bit to dramatically.

"Yes, you do, on my birthday" I say defending myself. In return my mother looked at me flatly before saying

"You have got to be kidding me, sweetie you only Let us get you one present and all the rest you complain that we are spending too much money."

"Well of course I'm Gunna feel bad if your spending money that I didn't work for myself" mum just sighed loudly.

"Shut up sweetie and take the damn presents from me already" I gave her the same loud sigh she had given me only moments before. Before accepting more small and medium boxes she pulled out from behind the couch.

Slowly I opened the medium sized box to find a pair of sparkly silver strap shoes "don't even think about it" mum said referring to my usual stubbornness.

"Think about what?" I say innocently "i have no clue what you are talking about" I grinned cheekily.

"Okay the Last one is very special my grandmother gave it to my mother who gave it to me and now I'm giving it to you."

Extremely careful I open up the small black box to reveal a small silver bracelet with tiny silver hearts dangling off of it, I looked carefully at the bracelet to see four names carved inside the hearts. Mine (Angelina), mums (Dalfina), nan's (Christina) and great grandmother (Serina)

"Mum all our names end with A's" she smiled at how much detail I had taken in about the simple yet priceless bracelet.

Mum slowly took it out of the box and place it around my wrist "keep it with you always" she said smiling. A few minutes had passed before I said my goodbyes and left towards my room. I decided daddy had, had enough of me today so I will go to his office in the morning to thank him.

Once I had entered my room, I places the gifts on my bed before stripping the sweaty clothes off and jumping in the shower. It had lasted a lot longer than I expected since I was in the shower for half an hour. Mostly thinking about the ball, school and how Lincon was so much fun to be around I hope I saw him tomorrow.

After getting dressed into some nice fresh PJs I jumped straight into bed not even bothering to eat tea. Slowly I let my eye lids get heavier and heavier until all that was left was the darkness that engulfed me seconds later.

*Knock knock* I stir away from my deep sleep into a much lighter one I let out an irritated groan to whoever was waking me up before my usual 6:00am 'get your ass up out of bed' time

yeah, yeah, I know I'm insane waking up at six am even though I haven't gone to school a day in my life, so why on earth don't I sleep in? Well, that is something I can't really explain very well it just happened one day and I stuck to it anyway... Time to get back to reality.

"Miss Botòr" a familiar voice teased. As soon as I realized who it was my eyes shot open, I sat up straight in my bed, looked to around to see if my ears were playing tricks on me and when I saw it was not a trick at all I jumped up out of bed and ran towards the person standing in my door way.

"Grandma" I squealed out racing towards her like one of those romantic movies where everything happens in slow motion well that was until I tripped and landed flat on my face.

"Oh goodness Angelina you klutz" grandma giggled as she reached down and helped me up. "

Hey grandma" I said engulfing her into a ginormous bear hug.

"Lina dear I am so sorry for waking you at such an unholy hour of the morning, but I heard the good news" I stared at her puzzled for a bit until I caught on.

"You did? Your happy about me being forced into getting married?" I asked questionably.

"What?" She looked at me weirdly "why on earth would you agree to that nonsense?" I was getting so confused.

"Wait that's not why you were happy?"

"Oh goodness no I hated the whole arranged marriage thing since I heard about it and at times, I thought about killing your grandfather" she joked ... Or at least I hope it was a joke "no I was happy about you finally going to school" she continued.

"Oh my god yes, I was so happy to I could barely believe it."

Me and my grandma were so close. She would come over for a week or two before leaving for a few months. Each time she came over we would watch movies, eat popcorn with melted chocolate on top. It was so delicious. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

She would come back from wherever she was with amazing gift for me. Yeah, i know what you're thinking she actually accepted gifts.

Well grandma is a different story. Don't ask why she just is it's how it's always been since i was little.

"Lina dear look" she is diving her hand into her handbag and pulling out a beautifully carved box. With roses and a vine like patterns scatted around it.

"Oh, grandma its magnificent." I said holding the wooden masterpiece within my grasp.

"Look inside" she whispered.

Slowly i opened the box to reveal a black fabric pillow that held a gorgeous blue lotus flower clip. "Oh my god" i said mouth hanging in awe.

"i new you would like it" grandma grinned. "But" she added in causing me to worry "i can't stay i must go" i looked up with sadness. I didn't want her to go. Not now, not ever.

But i couldn't be selfish.

"Okay" grandma gave me one last bone-breaking hug before exiting out of my door.

Once Shes gone i look down at my hands staring at the hair clip

I will wear this to the masquerade.

I carefully placed it back in the box before placing the box on my bed side table.

I jumped back into bed i looked over at my phone to cheek the time. Clicking the button to be blinded by a bright light. I blinked a few times trying to quicken up the getting used to process. After a couple of seconds i can finally see properly. 4:35am flashed at the top corner of my phone.

This early damn it I'm going back to sleep.

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