Chapter Fifteen: Reunions Gone Bad

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Chapter fifteen: Reunions Gone Bad

My eleven uncles all ran towards me wanting to be the first to hug me but instead they all ended up knocking me on my butt along with a few of them.

We all lay there laughing our butts off. I was glad to have them all home but seriously they knocked me out like a herd of football players running at the ball and let me tell you now the touch down hurt like a 'B' (also known as B!#ch) but i kept on smiling not wanting to ruin this moment.

"Guyyyys" i whine as i look around at all of us there was uncle kage half on me half face planting, BJ laying flat on his face, collen was in a pretzle like shape with davis, while enden, fran. Greg, and uncle liam were on their butts or backs from the fall. While uncle jace, izaha and Howie stood tall as they weren't caught in the domino affect.

"Sorry lina" most of them say at the same time causing a smile to form.
"Lina! Oh my gosh guys don't you know she's injured still. Bloody idiots" Aunt Mindy says slapping the backs of the heads of two closest to her who happened to be Uncle Howie and uncle Jace luckily uncle Zaha didn't get hit. He always gets out of trouble without even doing anything. Pain in the touch.

"Get of her you barbarians" she growls instantly Uncle Kage's weight is lifted of me sending a huge rush of relief as the pressure is now off my ankle.

"Thanks Aunt Mindy" i smile

"No problem sweetie us gals have got to stick together" she smiles "sorry folks I'm stealing the B'Day girl for a few moments" Aunt Mindy shouts a few boos were heard in response but regardless Mindy still took me away.

"So Lina i got a super special gift for you and this is not just from me it's from the twelve dweebs as well that includes you dad" she smiled at me before handing me a tiny box

"If this is jewelry a swear i dont need anymore i have plen-"

"Oh zip it and open the darn box" Aunt mindy says interrupting me

"Fine" i grumble

Carefully i open the small box to reaveal two sets of keys

"Huh?" I say looking at them again "what do they belong to?"

"Guess "she teases.

I silently agree to do as im told. The first set of keys were plain and i could tell they belong to a house and the second belongs...... tooooooo .... ah! A car

"House and a car?" I guessed.

"Yep, and guess who's new house and car?" She grinned like the Cheshire cat

I took a deep breath full of excitement " do-do i now h-have a h-house?"

"Aaaand a car" she confirmed.

I was Gunna hyperventilate, i mean don't get me wrong i can control it but this is something no one can prepare for. "Dads letting m-me out" i say crying tears of happiness.

"Hey don't cry sweetie this is supposed to be a good thing" Aunt Mindy says giving me a big hug.

"Oh but i am happy Aunt mindy i cant believe its real hes finally letting me out"

"Wow way to make it seem like you have been locked ina smelly old room your entire life" Aunt mindy said smiling.

"Oh you know what i mean" aunt mindy just brushes me off before linking her arm within my own

"Lets get back to the party you'll move into you new house tomorrow" she smiled

"Wow did you ever convince him to do this? I ask atound by the power of a younger sibling

"You know me i never tell my secrets" it was true Aunt mindy was like a secret vault of well ... secrets. She knows everything about everyone she has ever met its truly scary

We arrive back at the party to ne greeted by smiling faces

"May i cut in?" I familiar voice cuts in

"Lincon" i smile "sure" i say Aunt minsy reasing my arm and moving away but not before she sent me a look thay sais damnnn-girl-he-fine
I can always rely on Aunt mindy to turn a convo awkward.

"I never got to dance with you at the ball" he says taking his hand in mine

"Sorry i was swept of my feet by another" i say recalling the events from a couple of nights ago.

"I thought you could tell when someone was lying from a mile away" he says cockishly

Rude human

"I can whats your point?"

" If that were true then they wouldnt of been able to get so close to you"

" yeah it was probably the fact of me have my first G-Friend ever so i didn't know what to expect" i say looking down

"Hey" he says lifting my chin up with his fingers "dont doubt yourself over one mistake" he smiles before continuing to dance with me. He was actually a pretty good dancer for a body guard.

"Whats going on?" A voice interrupts my thoughts

"Kaylem" i smile but he doesn't return it he just glares at lincon

"Who?" Lincon says returning kaylem's glare

"What do you mean who? I have told you about him like a million times" i cant believe hes playing dumb

"Oh" he says dimly

"Whats that suppose to mean?" Kaylem snaps at him

"Guys calm down" i say but my voice is washed under by lincon's

"It means your not important enough for me to remember you"

"I find that funny since i was the one who was with angie while you were running away with your tail in between your legs" Kaylem snarles

" oh shut up im the one that saved her while you were sitting on your ass"

" i was the one that kept  her alive and if i didn't do that then you would be out of a job so you should be thanking me"

"Thanking you!?" Lincon says astound "your one of the reasons her life was put in danger!"

"Your the one that lost her in the first place!"

"Guys stop it!" I shout at the top of my lungs causing not only the guys to look at me but everyone

"Stop fighting it was my fault okay. It was my fault i got kidnapped i should of know she was lying so just shut up!" I rage they both looked at me with jaws dropped

" sorry angie" kaylem says looking me in the eyes

"Dont appoligize to me appoligize to each other and until you can do that dont talk to me" i say nefore turning on my heels and walking away

"Every one im sorry for this disturbance please continue your evening" i say quickly turning back for a few seconds before continuing my walk away from the guy

Un-bloody-believable the nerve of them.
So mucb for a happy birthday

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter sorry its short. Please tell me what you thought of this chapter.

Any ideas on how i can make it better?

Yours truly
Tahlia xx

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