Chapter Thirty-Two: Battles part three

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chapter thirty-two: battles part three

Dedication to 

Unfortunately i am still at school versing the guys but the plus is that im on my way to relaxing since the bell just went signalling the start of recess.

Whom ever invented recess let them be praised and bathe in riches while living a long and healthy life

But seriously it feels like its the end of the day and time for me to jump in bed with a jar of nutella if not the gym

But its only just started i whine

"What's only just started?" I hear a voice ask me

Shoot i said that out loud?

"Oh umm nothing dont worry about it" i smile turning behind me to see who the voice belonged to

"Lionel?" I say watching him come to a halt besides me

"Yeah i wanted to apologize for yarni's behaviour earlier he can kinda ge-"

"Who's yàane?" I ask not being able to pronounce his name properly

"Wow i guess the idiot didn't even mention his name" he groans "he was the one with brown hair and a blonde stripe running through it and is name is yarni"

"Ohhhh" i say in realization "i didn't know yàrnees name" i say continuously struggling to say his name

Lionel chuckles in a very attractive deep, yet smooth voice "say yarn"


"Yeah like the ball of string" he clarifies "then add e but its spelt with an i"


"Close give it one more try im sure you can get it" he say encouragingly


"Yep you got it!" He smiled taking me into a big hug whilst spinning me around

"Okay okay" i laugh "put me down already"

"You do know your extremely light, right?" He asks but then suddenly his eyes open wide "oh god for the sake of my life please tell me you dont eat salads like there going out of fashion"

I stared at him blankly "salads are healthy..." i say letting the sentence hang. His lips turn up in disgust "with a side of double chicken and cheese burger and a chocolate ice-cream" i smile dramatically Lionel drops to the floor on one knee in the middle of the hallway and says

"Will you please marry me"

"Haha very funny" i laugh "now get up before you get trampled" he gets up with a smile

"Seriously your like my perfect girl so far."

"And how would you know that?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"First off your an amazing artist"

"How would you know that i haven't even finished my art work yet" i say interrupting him but he continues like nothing happened

"Secondly you are sporty like super sporty" he smiles

"So are a lot of girls, just go to your local gym and you'll find them" i reply

"Thirdly you can kick butt and dont take shit from anyone"

"Don't swear"

"Fourthly you don't whine about a broken nail and pull a dramatic death scene" that one causes me to laugh a little while thinking of helena and shannaya i had almost forgotten about them

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