Chapter Twenty-eight: butt-whoopin buddies

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Chapter twenty-eight: butt-whoopin buddies

Ryder ^^^ [or whom ever you want to imagine him as.]

Dedication to AllTimeChelsxx for getting my little challenge :)

Waking up I didn't feel any pain at all I could actually move my shoulder more then I could before. "Lincon! Kaylem!" I shout not knowing if they were awake or not. Quicker then a flash the two guys came prounding towards me like they had just ran a Marathon

"What!? Are you okay!? What happened !? Did someone break in!? Are you hurt!? " they both ask frantically

"No actually the opposite I need to ask a question" they both look at me like I've gone mental. That's when I notice both of the guys are shirtless and pantless. Not completely pants less they had shorts on but shorts aren't pants they are shorts

"I rushed all the way up here, out of my comfort zone because you couldn't be bothered to get up off your tiny ass to ask me your self?" Lincon huffs

"Who out of you to is more experienced with medical information? " I ask completely disregarding lincons little rage

"Umm probably me" kaylem says

"Yeah he's probably right" lincon adds in

"Well then Kay, I need to talk to you" I say "sorry lincon you can go back to bed if you want"

"Sure- wait! why do you need medical help!?" He asks raising his voice

"Well I wanted to ask why I can now move my shoulder better now then I could before? "

" what do you mean? " kaylem asks sitting on the bed next to me

"Well after I... Tripped and my shoulder was bleeding I expected it to be more painful not feeling better then it did before I... Tripped"

"Oh that's probably because when you dislocated it you hit something that caused a blood to pile up like a blood clot and the bigger it got the more pressure it put on near by nerves. I'm actually surprised you haven't passed out from the pain." He says seriously "so when you tripped and tore open you skin the blood could finally be released and all the pressure on your nerves was released sending a wave of adrenaline through you that's why you could still walk with blood pooring out of your shoulder"

"Wow you really do know a lot" I mummble I'm surprise I expected it to be a simple answer but this... Wow

"I get bored a lot and there was nothing else relevant to my line of work" he said raising and dropping his shoulders in a bored tone

"Well then if I ever have any more injuries I'll be sure to come to you first" I smiled scruffing his hair with my fist "Now go, get a shirt on will ya" he rolled his eyes at me as to say I was childish. even if I wasn't

I checked the time on the clock hanging up on the wall directly opposite from my bed


Oops no wonder the guys raced up here so quickly. Might as well put another entry in my diary since I fell asleep before I could do it last night

Once I has finished with the new entry the guys called me down for breakfast (even though it was only 5:50am their excuse was that they couldn't get back to sleep.) Luckily for me breakfast was pancakes sooooo yummy

Anyway right now I'm at school its 7:10 yep that's right you hear me. I'm here WAY to early.

Oh well at least there is nobody else here. Maybe I can get some peace and quiet. I think to myself as I walk towards my locker surprisingly the locker next to mine was open and with a human behind it

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