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Jacks POV

I screamed when I woke. Pain was everywhere on my body. I was tied to a chair. I cried, feeling like a baby. But at this point, I was hurting so much I didn't care.

Happy thoughts, Jack. Happy thoughts. Someone whispered to me. I looked around. Nobody was with me, so I tried thinking happy thoughts. Mark was the first to pop in mind, which only made me cry harder, knowing I wouldn't ever see my best bud ever again.

The door handle turned, and Dark walked in. I tried to look strong, but that failed miserably. There was so much pain everywhere, and my head hurt from crying too much.

"Someones awake." He grumbled. I sniffled, and looked him in the eyes.

"Let me go...."

"I don't like that, don't say it again." He growled. Looking away, I fiddled with the handcuffs. Standing in front of me, I realized how tall Mark actually was. Through my tears, I laughed.

"When do I get to leave?" I asked Dark shyly, and closed my eyes.

"When I say so." He smirked, and put his hand on my cheek. I flinched. "We're gonna have some fun today."

"What are we gonna do?" I asked as brightly as I could.

"We're gonna play a game."

"Games are fun!" I cheered, making him smile oddly. I almost cringed.

"Ok, I'm gonna untie you now. Try leaving, and we'll have a repeat of last night." He said, and took out a knife. I squeezed my eyes shut. Oh god, please, not again.

He didn't hurt me again, but cut the rope at my ankles. Then, uncuffed my wrists. I stood up, and felt pain flood to my ribs. I fell to the ground, griping my side. He laughed at my low tolerance to pain. He pulled me up to my feet, and wiped my tears from my cheeks away with the tips of his fingers.

"What game are we playing?" He grinned proudly.

"Hide and seek."

"I love that game!" I smiled brightly.

"With a twist." His smile grew, mine fading.

"What twist?"

"If I find you in two minutes, you have to run, or ill beat you."

"How long would I have to run away?"

"One minute." He smiled.

"Do I have to?"

"Its that or else you can just let me hit you over and over with a bat. You have a minute and thirty seconds." I cringed away, this guy was sick.


"One! Two!" He closed his eyes, and I tried running away. Looking around, I couldn't find a place at first. Under the sink? In the closet? The closet had a bunch of clothes, it was a walk in, and looked big enough for me to move around.

"Sixty!" He yelled, and continued. I slowly walked in, leaving it open, because it was when I had saw it. I looked at it in awe. Not a good awe, either. I only found a few normal clothes, of ya get my drift. This WAS Marks gaming room.

"Twenty Three!" I ran behind a rack of clothes, hidden behind a nurse uniform. I cringed.

His footsteps echoed on the walls.

"I'm coming!" He yelled. I realized I hadn't asked what had happened if I won. I was excited, I was going to win!

It had been one minute and forty seconds. A minute and fifty five. Fifty eight. Fifty-

"Gotcha." I felt hot breath on my neck. I spun around to see Dark there, metal bat in hands. He pushed me to the ground, but I was holding onto the rack, and clothes fell onto me. I pushed them off, and got up, and tried for the door, put Dark grabbed my sweat shirt, and tugged me back.

"Hmmm." He said, holding clothes in his hands. I cringed.

"Ye said I could r-"

"Forget that. Try this on." He threw me the disgusting nurse outfit, smirking. I looked at it oddly.

"B-but ye sai-"

"I said forget that. Go, put it on, and let me see you. If you don't go now, ill dress you myself." He growled. I tried moving fast, but tripped over my own two feet, and landed on my side. I hissed in pain, and felt strong arms lift me up.

"Times up." Dark whispered in my ear

Loss Of Innocence (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now