Thirty One

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Jacks POV

"Get up." Dark growled. I felt the blood on my mouth. It tasted like copper.

"Please stop." I managed to get out. He shook his head, laughing slightly.

"You've been gone for so long... haven't been able to fuck anyone.." He licked his dry lips greedily. "Now, I want you to lay down on your stomach, on the bed. Do NOT resist this." I did what I was told, and got on.

First, he handcuffed my hands, then my ankles. I was terrified.   He was going to fucking rape me! I closed my eyes, terrified. I couldn't move well, and I knew this would hurt.

Then, he did something else. He grabbed a bag. I opened my eyes, and looked at the head of the bed. He ran a hand down my back, and I grimaced at his touch.

"Please.. don't do this... I'll give ye a fucking blow job, just please." I felt hot tears run down my face. He chuckled.

"Oh please. That's not what I want right now, Jackaboy. I wanna see you in pain. This is a good way to make you mine."

"I'm Mark's." I mummerd.

"What?" He snapped.

"I'm Mark's! Not yers! Fuck me all ye want, but I will NEVER be yers. I'm all Marks." I yelled.

"I'm not fucking you, Jack. Not right now. What you just said makes this a whole lot easier, though." He laughed. I felt something sprinkle onto my back. It felt like sugar. Sugar?

"Is that sugar?" I questioned.

"Salt." He said hurriedly. He opened a bag, and I felt him move the salt around. "This'll teach you to leave." He grumbled. I felt something cold drop onto my back.

A second later, I screeched. Pain filled my whole back, and kept coming as he dropped the cubes onto my back. I assume their ice cubes.

Tears fell like Niagara Falls. I just continued to screech my heart out. All the pain I felt on my back was too much. I wasn't even able to move.

"Stop!" I screamed. "Make it stop!" I was trying to get the ice off. "Dark, please!" I screeched, louder than before.

"Who owns you?" He growled in my ear.

"Mark!" I screamed.

"Who?" He slapped my face. 

"Mark does!" I yelled. He shook his head.

"You'll learn." And he pressed down onto the melting ice. I screamed even louder.

"Please!!" I screeched again. He took his hand off, and went to my ear.

"Who owns you?" He asked again.

"Darkiplier..." I sniffed. He grinned.

"Good." And with that, he took off the ice. My back was burning with pain. I don't even know why, ice and salt shouldn't hurt like it did.

I heard him leave the room, leaving me in dead silence.

Anti's POV

I sighed after Mark didn't answer me. I guess he's worried about YouTube also. I'm worried about the fact that there are probably going to be bloodthirsty cops behind us soon.

"Do you think he's..." Mark trailed off after that. I didn't answer, because hell if I knew.

I turned left, and heard Mark yell, "Squirrel! Anti, stop!" I swerved out of the way-

And into a phone pole.

I heard a scream, which might have come from me, and hit my head on the steering wheel, which caused darkness to overwhelm me.

Ok. I think it's official; I think I've entered depression.

And trust me, it's not that I want it. Nobody does. I just feel down almost all the time, and I guess that's why I've just been careless about random school shit.

Like A; I'll text in the middle of some classes, because I honestly don't give a frick anymore.

Or, I'll ignore some people, because I don't care.

And then, there's those times where ya gotta think; "Is it worth it?"

I mean, I have Wattpad, and all you amazing people who have offered me more support in the last few days, than anyone in my whole fricking life. And I'm really grateful. You guys will be like; "Hey, you can talk to me" and stuff like that, even though we know nothing about each other. And it makes me sad when I realize all the amazing people out there.. are out there, and I'm here. I have supporters on Wattpad, and I don't go a day without thanking the Lord someone cares, but.. it's those times you lay in bed at night.

Your alone in your thoughts, and.. your mind wanders. "What would life be like if I wasn't here?"

"Would anyone really be sad if I died?"

"What would they think if I stopped eating, just to get skinny again. Would they even notice?"

Some of you probably those thoughts all to well. And sadly, I've thought them all.

It's not even school that's the problem. Besides the fact two people notice I'm acting off, schools actually ok.

It's at home. My mom, when I'm around family...that's when the depression gets horrible.

I'm thankful for Wattpad, I can say that. All I've gotten is support, and I'm so fricking thankful. But, talking to someone, wasting their time.. it's not worth it if we all die at some point.

I don't know if you've heard of the clowns going around, killing kids, stealing them... but I did, and when I walk down my street, half of me wants them to shoot me in the head- the other half hopes I'll at least make it another day.

I don't deserve all of the attention I'm getting, but for some reason, I'm getting it. I mean, come on. I'm 12. I'm fucking 12, and have half of me wanting to die. I'm getting to much attention that I don't deserve, all because I rant.

Thank you. And if you read this all, sorry for wasting your time.

Loss Of Innocence (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now