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Marks POV

I chased them all the way until the highway. Oh shit... fuck, no.... I screamed in aggravation. A person besides me stuck up their middle finger at me. Then they saw who I was and covered their mouth.

I rolled my eyes, backed up and drove away. I had to get to his house another way. I knew that's where they were heading.... right? Come on, he had no other place.

I sighed, and sped up faster. I saw some lights behind me. No. Oh, fuck me. The fucking cops come now?!

"Sir, do you know h-"

"Yes, I was going 79 on a 67 road. No come with me, or you just cost my boyfriend his life." I almost yelled at him through my window. He didn't move.

"Faggot." He mummerd.

"Dickhead. Done with the name calling, bucko? Your job is to save people. No, either you help me, or so help me god, I will drag your ass into court.... Mr.Stevens." I growled, and started to go.

He looked at me, aggravation in his eyes. I felt my face turn red with anger. I knew if he didn't help me, Jack and Anti would be dead. I couldn't have that. I didn't want that, personally.

I saw lights behind me, and saw the cop car once again. I sped faster, determined to get to his house. I didn't want Jack to suffer again. I deserved it more than he did. He was so.... innocent, ya know? And our fans.... well, they'd see we're never gonna be the same again. It's sad. Maybe Jack will be able to overlook this shit, but I can't. I can't unsee the bruises left on his skin by Dark. I can't unhear his whimpering of pain. I wouldn't ever get over this.

The house loomed in view. The cops still had on the lights, the dumbass. I almost gave him the finger, but I didn't. I needed his help, and he knew it, the bitch. Him calling me a faggot hurt. I was supposed to ignore these things- but I couldn't get the image of his disgusted face out of my head.

I got out, and walked to the house. No car. Good. We could hide safely, and get out with Jack and Anti. Oh dear Lord, how do I explain Anti to him? Or Dark?

"Your friends here?" The officer huffed. I shrugged.

"I don't think so. He was kidnapped, and was taken here. Can you please shut up, and come with me inside if your gonna. " I snapped, and looked around for a way in. Smashing a window wouldn't hurt. But, yet again, he's gonna see it when he gets here.

Maybe just climb through the open window that's like, right in front of me. God Dark, why are ya making it so easy? Wow, why couldn't I have seen that a minute ago? Oh well.

I climbed in, and heard him follow. This was perfect! I could wait by the door, and when he came in, I could kill him! Oh wait.... the whole 'I'll die too.' thing still stands. Oh well. That su-

Bam! I turned my head and saw the officer on the ground. He was dead, bullet through the head. I saw Dark. He had a pistol. He just killed a man! I screamed.


"Upstairs. You wanna see?" He asked, looking pleased. I felt a tingle in my stomach. Candy from a stranger. It's funny, that rule still applys, even now.

"No." I felt my insides turn as he showed his yellow teeth.

"That sucks. I just wanted Jack to spend his last moments with someone he loved. Guess ya don't really care, do ya?"

Hey guys. So.... sorry for any lack of updates, it's hard to write 22 books at a time. 😂😂 so, anyways, I wanted to say, I'm gonna try updating this twice a week, maybe more. At the least, twice a week, just depends how school goes. I'm getting up at.... ready? For you guys, so you can read my books, im getting up at 5:15 in the morning. WAY TO EARLY.

Idk if my new school will have WIFI, but I hope so. For any of you who don't know, I do not have WIFI at home, so I have to walk down the street a little bit so I can update and shit like that. I feel bad for not updating this book as much as some others. So. I'm putting some books on hold for awhile. Some I don't update often, just so I can focus on this more.

Anyways! The point of this is- I'm gonna try an update schedule. If all works out, an update schedule should be on my profile on September third. For it being so late, is because I need a few weeks to try getting used to writing so much, and if I can really have the WIFI for it. If it's not up by then, then it clearly didn't work.

So. ANYWAYS. Uh.... ideas welcome? I'm kinda getting writers block. You know when you know the beginning, middle, and end, but not in between? UGH.


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