Bonus Chapters

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Ok, so I had an idea.

I'll do two bonus chapters, cuz, to fuck with it all, I miss writing this!

One will be of Anti, and what happened during the car crash, up to his death, (yes you have to suffer though that again).

The other will be Nate, and what happened after Mark shot himself.

I just really missed writing! Plus, I'm feeling down, and writing is the only fucking light in my life, (aside from drawing) and yea!

(I still haven't updated the A/N and shout out thang cuz

A; I can't type usernames in without WIFI, and my school's WiFi sucks ass.

B; I was grounded, and might be after this, so Idk when these will be up.

Hopefully just tomorrow and Thursday. Then that'll be done. I'll try updating it at school in 3rd period, but Idk.

I'm only supposed to read on it, (but to fuck with that) and obviously I don't. Well, I do read, but I write a lot more. And typing looks a lot different than scrolling 😂😂. None of my other classes are that easy to type in. Except Language Arts, that's kinda easy. But Study Hall, (3rd period) is the easiest cuz my teacher couldn't care less what happens.

Oh wait, I have all the time I want in advisory. Our teacher could care less what we do. We could scream at the top of our lungs, and he wouldn't care.

Also, I got Facebook, if y'all care. School WiFi doesn't support it, so I don't use it daily, but I tend to use it whenever I can.

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