Thirty Four

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Jacks POV

Know Mark was alive.. it kept me happy. No matter what; as long as he was ok, I was too.

On the other hand, I worried about Anti. If this was a book, I would have left him on a cliffhanger.

Currently I sat, "patiently" waiting for the update on Mark. Whoever was driving him, obviously had been stupid and careless. And to just upright leave him? Yea, that's totally the right thing.

The doctor FINALLY came in. He looked me dead in the eyes.

"How are ya related to Mr.Fischbach?" He asked my. Worry clouded my thoughts.

"I'm not.. h-hes my boy" I hiccuped. "Boyfriend." The doctor shot me a nasty look.

"Your gay?" He asked, rather harshly I might add.

"No. I'm bisexual. I'm pretty sure Mark is too." I remembered the dream I had. The one where Mark had basically told me to kill myself. I shivered.

"Eck. No offense, but that's disgusting." He scrunched up his face.

"I didn't ask for yer opinion, did I, fuckface? I just want to know what happened to Mark." I snapped. By now I was irritated. Fuck him. I could love whoever the fuck I wanted.

"Whatever. He's up, but he requested only family to come see him." He snickered. "Guess he might be over you than, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, and pushed past him. He shook his head, and reached for the collar of my shirt. (I had got one from home when I went back)

I ducked into his room, and gasped.

Black and blue marks covered him. His red hair was dull, and his brown eyes.. well, they were the same.

"Hi.." I spoke softly. He looked at me once, then looked away.

"Hey, Jack.."

"Whats wrong? Didn't ye want to see me? I thought.." I trailed off. He was biting his lip. He does that when he's nervous. I felt my air get trapped in my lungs.

"Jack.." he trailed off, obviously unaware of what to say. I frowned, and crossed my arms.

"Mark, what do you want to tell me?" I snapped irritability. He looked down.

"I.. I sent Anti after Dark.. He could kill Dark, I told him to. We got into the accident, and I told him to go after Dark. He argued, but eventually gave in. So, at my house he sat.. I don't know anything else." He looked away. "Jack.. I probably don't have long." He added sadly. "You have every right to be mad." He put out solemnly.

"Goddamn right I'm mad! Ye sent Anti on a suicide mission! Ye don't even wanna see me! I technically shouldn't be in here! Ye fucking liar!" I was screaming. "I wanted us to live a happy life, but no! Ye go fuck it up! All because ya fucked with a stupid Ouija board! As far as I can tell, yer going to fucking hell!"

"Jack.." he had tears bubbling his eyes. "Your right..." he said.

"All I did was try! That week of peace, that was because ye bet my fucking life! I'm that fucking worthless to ye? Is that it? All I fucking wanted was a family, and ye ruined it! My fucking heart will never heal from this! And goddamnit, Mark! Ya coulda killed Anti! I can't believe this whole fucking time I was with ye, ya couldn't seem to care! Was it for the sex? Ye wanted to take advantage of my vulnerability, right?!" My voice rose with every sentence. "And look what happened because of it!"

I threw off my shirt, revealing the dark 'D' that was burned into my back.

"I have a fucking scar!" I yelled at him, slipping it back on. Mark looked at me like a scared puppy.

"Jack I... I'm sorry... this was all my fault.. and I think it's time to end.." he said, standing up. He winced, and walked to the window. "Well? You wanna stand there all day? Or are you gonna help me go to hell?" He sounded more sad than he did mad.

"Mark, yer not leaving. I am. Yer staying here until you fucking rot. At least Dark showed me SOME sort of sympathy." I growled, storming away.

"Jack, stop!" He yelled. I didn't care, I just kept walking. I wanted this to be over. I wanted a happy family.

I wanted Septiplier to be real.

I wanted Mark.

Hmmmm. I'm debating on when I'm going to end this book. I know how I'm gonna do it, I just don't know when....

Loss Of Innocence (Darkiplier X Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now