Thirty Two

953 42 5

Darks POV

Ahh. Second degree burn. It burns like a bitch.

I chuckled, and looked at the sleeping man's back. A large 'D' was imprinted by the salt and ice. Well, that's what he gets for forgetting who owns him.

I smiled, and walked away. I think I'll take a stroll. I need to cool off, it was really hot in the house. I don't know why Jack had his house so damn hot, but whatever.

I walked out the door, and locked it behind me.

It was eerily quiet. I thought he lived on a normally busy street..? Oh well. Maybe Anti wanted a visit. I smirked. Oh, Anti would get a visit alright.

I felt my back pocket- sure enough my gun was there. Anti couldn't survive the bullet like he did my bat. Or whip, honestly I forget which one I used.

I remember, knowing Jack would follow, I had gotten the stupid thing from the Government. How? That's my little secret. I've had the thing for months, probably since I ripped Jack away from humanity. I wanted to score him, but didn't. How I got it to work? Still my little secret.

I hummed a little beat as I strolled along to Marks house.

Suddenly, I saw smoke- and a lot of it. My eyebrows burrowed in confusion, so I followed where it was coming from.

There was a car crash- and nobody was there. Hmm. That means.... I smiled.

I walked up, planning to kill whoever was in it. Ya know, take  'em and torture them. I still had a very good whip at home. It would definitely hurt ya. Not enough to kill, but I think you get the point.

As I walked up, I heard something. A voice. Sirens. Cars. Well shit. There goes my fun. I sighed, and peered in; and gasped.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. Marks face was covered in blood, matching his red hair almost perfectly. The thing was; there was no driver.

Police all gathered around the car, and Mark. I pulled away from the crowd, and ran. I ran to Marks. Shit.....  this wasn't good.

And my decision was a poor one. Because Anti was at the door, gun in hand. He saw me, and ran inside locking the door. That bitch... he might have killed Mark, and me. He betrayed me in the first fucking place. I suddenly stopped walking, anger filling me like a drug.

He kept me and Jack apart. All I wanted was to mentally destroy the Irish man's soul, and so far was succeeding. But, this bitch took that away. And I was mad. REALLY mad. Anti was going to fucking pay; starting now.

Jacks POV

I woke to a sore back. I also couldn't move. I tugged and tugged, eventually getting my legs loose from the rope. Now for my hands.

I screamed out as I bended my back. The fucking pain.. oh god the pain.

I curled my toes, hoping the pain would vanish. And it did.

I sighed, and looked around. I saw dry ice laying on the ground, in a freezer. The lid was see-through, so that's how I could tell. The salt was next to it.

Second degree burn. He fucking burned my back. I felt myself tear up. No- I had to escape. The fucking bitch couldn't keep me here for much longer. He'd end up killing me.

I screamed again as I tried pulling my hands loose. The handcuffs budged slightly. I pulled hard again. It kept getting looser and looser until-


I was free. Oh the fucking Lord above, thank you. I moved, and instantly felt the pain start up again. I gritted my teeth, and got up. This was my house. I was terrified of being in my own house. 

I sighed, and waited. No sounds. At all. I smiled, and started walking, hoping the pain would ease up. It didn't, but oh well.

I walked upstairs, and looked around. The phone. I could call Anti. Tell him to help.

So I dialed Marks number.

He picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" A gruff voice asked. Very un-Anti. I frowned.

"Anti?" I questioned.

"Jack?" He asked.

"Yea..." I trailed off. I heard laughter, and the line go dead. I called over and over, but the line went to answering machine.

I panicked. Then, I go the courage to go over. So I did.

I walked over, but....

Then, as if this day was to get any worse, I don't think I could.

I saw my boyfriend. In a car. That was connected to a pole. Police cars were gathered around it.

I screamed, and ran over. The police officers were talking.

"Is he ok?" I asked. They looked at me.

"Sir, I'm going to h-"

"Yea.... no. Fuck ye." I snapped, and crossed over the line, wincing at the pain in my back. I reached Mark. His eyes were closed, and blood covered his face, and neck. I wiped some away, and kissed him. "Yer fine." I whispered. My back was aching, but fuck it.








Had two chapters done, and thought since I have you guys short shitty chapter, I'd at least give a double update. :/

Sorry for the rants.. I just.. well, life's been kicking my ass. And a lot of it is coming from my fucking pride, which I never seem to lose. I probably have to much of it.. but hey. So does everyone I argue with.

And as you see, I've updated every day this week. I will try updating every day from now on. (Not Saturday or Sunday.).  I'll TRY. Basically I'm not tired when I go to bed. So, I get time to write. So. Yea..

Also, I check all my notifications an messages during Geography Class, soooo that'd why I'm not responding instantly. I publish stuff first period, and check stuff fourth. Not that that applys to y'all, but yea.

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