"Separated again! What the hell is wrong with us!" Gaby shrieked and paced the tiny restroom stall. Kicking the occasional zombie that tried to enter.
"Many things....many things." Ash replied while sitting in the corner thinking.
Gaby turned her back on the door and started to frantically rake her hands through her hair. Suddenly, she burst into tears.
Gaby was a strong girl, but the Apocalypse seemed to be breaking everyone slowly one by one. Kristina then Gaby then on and on.
Ash looked at Gaby and suddenly a wave of protectiveness washed over him. He got up and put his arms around the sobbing Gaby. Gaby cried into his shirt. She knew she had said she would've like to kill another wave of Zs in the gym, but right now she felt like she could barely kill a worm. She felt numb in Ash's arms like a defeated fish out of water. Ash's back was facing the door and Gaby was facing him when it all happened so suddenly. They weren't looking, and the one moment of weakness hit them hard.
Two Z's came under the ground and Gaby heard them only a minute to late. One grabbed Ash's neck and the other grabbed Gaby's wrists.
"No! Fuck no! Stop! You can't!" Gaby screamed. The one person who tried to comfort her and protect her from the world. They can't take him away from me, Gaby thought. She thrashed and flipped and wiggled attempting to get free but nothing worked. She wanted to close her eyes, but it almost seemed as if there was not time for that.
"AAASSSHHHHHHHH!" Gaby screamed.
"Gaby..." Ash whispered.Kristina ran and ran until she she felt like she couldn't go any longer. She found a room and threw herself in. She locked the door and turned around.
There is no way my past could've caught up with me, she thought to herself.
Plenty Z's had been chasing Kristina yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs things about her past. To be truthful Kristina was just going to leave by herself to correct those things. She had to fake a scene to get out and have some time. The moment she stepped out she went to the bathroom even though it wasn't very sanitary. Then she headed to the entrance. She was almost there when Z's started streaming through the opening. She wasn't sure if she saw a human in the mist of the Z's, so she convinced herself she was just being delusional.
She finally got away from her share of the Zs, but now we was stuck in this room.
She turned around and was heading towards the bed to rest a bit. She saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She took out her dagger swiftly and jumper on top of the bed.
"Show yourself!" Kristina yelled and backed up towards the wall.
"Oh honey, don't worry. I'll do it willingly." a zombie said.
"What the fuck! You talking goes against all the movies and shows I have watched!" I yelled and readied my dagger into a throwing position.
"Don't worry my essence is in this zombie. That is why it is talking so well. If you don't recognize my voice I am your Aunt." the zombie said creeping Kristina out.
"Which one because I like one of my Aunt's more than-" Kristina started.
"The one on your dads side!" the Z shrieked frustratingly.
Kristina grimaced. She didn't like that one as much.
"What do you want Aunt Persephone?" Kristina asked placed her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes.
"Ever the dramatic one." Persephone said and mimicked Kristina.
"You weren't my first choice. It was your brother, but we all know what happened to him thanks to you. He's a hassle but strong, and your sister is to damn loud, so you were my second choice." Persephone rambled.
"Choice for what?" I asked hesitantly.
"Oh, well you know. The rising or whatever you want to call it is coming up, so I obviously need a partner. I'm strong enough to do it on my own, but I need a relation." she sighed,"What do you say?" she finished and held out her hand.
"Do you think I'm stupid Persephone?"
"Aunt Persephone." She corrected.
"Persephone GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled.
"Your wish will not be my command." Persephone said and her eye flamed with fire. She raised her hands which also held fire of a greenish color.
She is going to curse me! The bitch! I think to myself.
"Persephone be gone!" I yell and throw my new dagger at the Z's head. It was to late. Persephone had already left.
"Thank god I don't have the real goddess of the underworld as my Aunt." Kristina said as she had so many time before.
Zombie Apocalypse
RandomThe Zombie Apocalypse starts and the questions to how and why this happen just start rolling in. Who started it? Can you survive? Are you prepared? Can you trust who you're with? Can they trust you? All in good time these questions will be answ...