Chapter 12

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Everyone grabbed a weapon. Gaby, Devin, and Katia had metal bats. Gaby's had protruding spikes out of the top. Katia just preferred a regular bat. Elizabeth and Romeo had a gun. Jax, Xander, and Ash had a blade of some sort. Kristina just kept her bow across her back and her hands out in front of her.
When they came out Kristina drove the car while Devin sat in the seat beside her giving directions. Elizabeth, Katia and Gaby sat in the back. Xander sat in the trunk, and the the rest of the guys ran along side the car.
Kristina went at a fast and steady pace. Every once in a while a Z would try to attack them, but one of the boys killed it before anything happened. They went through the city and they were about to pass H-E-B.
"Bathroom break!" Kristina heard from the truck.
"Yeah, and I'm thirsty!" Jax yelled from outside the car. He was drenched in sweat from running.
"Fine I'll park here." Kristina said and parallel parked on the side of the street.
Katia, Elizabeth, and Gaby streamed out of the car. Xander jumped out of the trunk, while the rest of the boys threw him and Devin despising looks.
"Guys there's bound to be Zs in the store." Katia said and crossed her arms.
"So....we risk it?" Ash asked.
"But then we'll get separated and then we'll have this big problem and one of us will come close to getting bit-" Xander said as a Z ran up to him from behind.
Gaby hit it with her bat sending blood splattering onto Xander's shirt.
"Well now one of us came close to death! Its safe now." Gaby said and smiled triumphantly.
Xander rolled his eyes as the group walks into the store. The looked at the store.
Cashiers were zombies attacking civilians. The boss of the store was nowhere to be seen, and the song Radioactive was playing at full volume.
' I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus. This is it, the apocalypse.'
Romeo tensed behind Kristina. Xander was the first to snap out of the trance.
"WELL HELP!" Xander yelled and charged in.
Kristina then sprinted to help followed by Jax, Elizabeth, Romeo and the others.

Elizabeth's POV-
Elizabeth loved the song that was on. It was perfect for an Apocalypse. Elizabeth stormed thought aisle the candy was in. Eating some once in a while. She saw a little girl...the girl looked like her sister. She was crouched in a corner. Hiding and backing away from a Z. Elizabeth tried to cock the gun and shoot, but nothing came out. She ran the the Z and pushed it onto the floor. She jumped on the Z's head repeatedly. Elizabeth looked back at the little girl only to find it wasn't her sister. Elizabeth drew a breath of relief and left the aisle.

Jax's POV-
He ran to an old lady who was getting attacked by a Z. The lady swung back with her purse and knocked the Z to the ground. Jax ran over it crushing the head with his weight. He went to look for something to drink. He came across a water fountain, but red splotches were all over it. He spotted a bottle rolling on the floor. It was part of the wreckage, so he picked it up and drank it all. He threw the bottle to the ground, and looked up. Zs surrounded him with their arms crossed or their hands on their hips. In any situation Jax would've laughed, but it was very freaky and meant he was in trouble at the moment. He backup up into a claw machine, while the Zs walked closer and closer.
"HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Jax called hoping someone could've heard him.

Katias POV-
She ran down the aisle killing Zs as fast as she could. She wanted to be done with this already. She was starting to tire out. Then she heard a familiar voice shout help. She thought it was just her imagination, but she followed it anyway. She thought it sounded like Jax. She half ran and half walked all the way there. When she got there she saw eight Zs closing in on Jax. She didn't know what to do, so she just stood there hoping something would come to her. He bat hang loosely at her side. Jax spotted her and screamed at her to distract them. The Z's turned their heads to look at her. They all began to run straight for her. Katia hardly cursed, but it was an Apocalypse.
"Fuck you Jax. I'm going to kick your ass later for this!" Katia screamed. She ran as fast as she could away from the Zs. She ran with them all throughout the store.
"I'm coming!" Jax yelled he sounded very distant. Katia was about to come out of aisle three and she she thought she was going to drop dead, literally, but she saw Jax. To Katia he could've been an angel in disguise at that moment, but she was still set on beating the crap out of him later.
She ran behind him and guarded his back, while he killed the eight Zs. They ran like a machine, performing one task perfectly. Ever time he took a step back, she took a step forward. They moved swiftly together as one. Katia and Jax turned to each other once they were done. Then, Jax looked up and saw Xander. He saw Xander giving him the thumbs up. Jax turned Katia around and gave her a little push. Katia started to move forward again and looked around the store. It was dead silent except for the music, and a few civilians running out. I Disappear by Metallica was playing.
"Where's the others?" Katia asked. She looked at Xander. He looked exhausted and dirty. He had blood splattered all over him. He was sweating, and he smelled of zombie. Or was it the store?
"Well Kristina is stealing gas from cars, while looking for a bigger car. Devin is with her like a dog on a leash. The other guys including Jax are raiding the water aisle. The girls are in the restroom. I'm here to supervise." Xander explained.
Katia ran off to the restroom after she thanked Xander. She opened the restroom to find a little girl, Elizabeth and Gaby.
The little girl was crying. She was pretty with rich brown hair and huge brown hazel eyes. Elizabeth was kneeling next to her trying to comfort her. Gaby was washing up by the sinks.
"Next stop Witch Lady!" Gaby yelled over her shoulder. She had scrunchie in her mouth while she brushed her hair.
Katia walked over to Elizabeth and the little girl. She sat down and threw a inquisitive look at Elizabeth.
Elizabeth mouthed the words 'can't find her mom'.
Katia mouthed the words 'we have to go'.
Elizabeth made a sad look as she patted the girls shoulder.
Katia felt sad that the girl had no mother or parent to take care of her, but they couldn't take care of a child. They barely scrapped by adding Devin. Plus the child couldn't defend itself. There was just no way they could take her. Katia just knew Kristina would say the same thing.
Katia went over to Gaby and started to wash any skin that was exposed. She hoped that she could shower soon. She put her hair in a little ponytail with one of Gaby's hair ties. Katia smiled proudly and saw that Elizabeth got the kid to stop crying and she was talking to it. She even brought her a case of water, a bag of chips, and a box of Little Debbie Zebra Cakes.
Katia smiled and turned to Gaby. Gaby nodded at her, and they walked towards Elizabeth.
"Come on Liz we got to go." Katia said in a pleading tone.
"OK." Elizabeth said. She got up to leave. The little girl hugged Elizabeth. Gaby and Katia walked out the door, so they didn't invade in the little parting. They waited and finally Elizabeth came out.
The walked in silence towards Xander who was messing with the things the cashiers use.
"Where's the guys?" Elizabeth asked looking both ways.
"Well they're helping Kristina outside." Xander replied messing with a switch.
"And you're not outside because......?" Gaby asked.
"Well I'm supposed to wait for you guys to finish in the bathroom and give you directions."Xander replied and started to open a bag of chips that was on the conveyor belt.
"Then what do we have to do?" Katia asked getting impatient.
He pointed at each of them one at a time starting with Katia and ending with Elizabeth.
"Plain shirts and pants. Wipes or things we can use to clean our person. Canned food or food that won't expire as easily. She said to try to make it healthy with a few exceptions like chips and stuff." Xander said as the guys came back into the store. Xander went over and joined them leaving the three girls on their own.


Kristina found two trucks for everyone. Kristina planned to drive the black one while Ash drove the other red one. Kristina stole or well got gas from everywhere she could find it. She sent Devin to get most of it. She had the guys all- except for Xander- transfer their supplies into both trucks. Kristina was taking Xander, Romeo and Katia. While Ash was taking Elizabeth, Gaby and Devin.
Once, Kristina had everything done and they went back onto the road. Ash's truck went first since they had Devin. Kristina's truck followed after.
Off they went to see the witch and hear the strange words she had to say.
They drove until they stopped in front of a home. A squat one story building with an old rocking chair outside. It looked like an old grandmas house. They parked outside, and got out of the cars. Everyone threw questioning looks at Devin. Devin just ducked his head and mumbled 'follow me'.
He then disappeared as he climbed through a hole in the wooden fence.
Everyone then threw questioning looks at Kristina. Kristina just shrugged and followed Devin.

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