Chapter Two

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Where is the damn toilet paper, I think to myself while scouring the aisle and weaving myself through the workers and Zombie Apocalypse fanatics. I move onto the toilet paper aisle and breaks them out of the wrapper and dump them into a bag I found on aisle two. I move into the canned food aisle and dump random cans mainly fruits and vegetables into another bag and then throw it into the cart and move onto chips. I dump all the takis on the rack into the cart and move on. I dump shampoo bottles into the cart. I dump Dove body wash bars into the cart as well. I dump bottles of hand sanitizer into another bag along with random medicine. I hop into the place where they store medicine and find no personnel in there.  I read the labels and pick medicine for pain, stomach aches, headaches, and cramps. I dump them in with the label of what they do then I take other random bottles when I hear footsteps. I jump back out and see someone hovering near my cart. 

"Hey SHOO!" I shriek as the person looks up. I take one good look at the person. Their clothes are in rags and looks like someone torn them. They have a couple of scratch marks and dirt covers their faces. One long gash crosses her thigh. It isn't bleeding but it looks very red. Her hair has leaves and dirt mixed into it but i would know that face anywhere. My sister backs away from the cart and looks at me. No one would ever guess that we were related looking at us now me and just one scratch above my eyebrow due to the car accident.

"You really just left us? I mean come on we are your family and you are just running away with your friends? What the hell is wrong with you?" Krystal said with a look of pain on her face. 

"What happened?" Gaby said turning the corner staring at me and Krystal who appeared like cats waiting for each others move.

"Well since Kristina here left she left us vulnerable. We got attacked by a hoard and i had to get away through the shaft in the dark thanks to you. Only me and mom are alive god knows what happened to Christopher." Krystal said answering Gaby's question in a different way.

"I didn't mean that. I just need Kristina so we can head back." Gaby said turning to me.

I stayed there with a blank expression and grabbed the cart and went down a different aisle evading Gaby along the way. I dumped some deodorants and other products down forcefully into a backpack. Krystal entered the aisle as I moved onto the next. On and on we went until we got to the last aisle were I started to get apples and bag them.

"So you are not coming back?" Krystal asked.

"No." I responded curtly. I turned away and started to pack peaches in another grocery bag. A lady came and passed between us with a baby she hurriedly grabbed two peaches and but into one.

"I can not believe you!" Krystal shrieked and everyone took a moment to look at us and went back to rushing around.

"GABY!" I yelled looking for an escape. I'm not mean to my family, I mean I love them and that is why I'm leaving them. Now that my brother is not with them I am all that matters because I am needed. I grabbed a water case and cut the wrapper and dumped them into a bag. By this time my cart was practically full to the top.  I went and dumped bread and milk and egg cartons into the bottom of the cart. I started grabbing containers of candy and sweet bread and cake shoving it into the bottom of the cart. My sister kept following me staring at me hoping that I would stare back.

Me and my brother were the ones that were strong in the family. The ones that were needed to survive this type of thing. Yet, I wasn't present so they sent my sister to look for me and gather supplies.  I wasn't interested in being their fill in. I wanted to survive so I was choosing my own players. I took my belt of and grabbed my sister by the wrist. 

"Listen I don't want you following me. I am not interested in this 'come back' deal of yours. I have who I need and I love you but I value my life,so I am leaving. I hope that I will see you and mom again but right now I need to see that I have somewhere to go and look forward to. I'm looking forward to living and surviving. Okay. Understand?" I say to here while i back her up against a table leg and tie her secure with my belt. 

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