Chapter 19

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"Shut up!"
"But it smells in here! How does she live!"
"Ash, stop being such a girl! And Tia Persephone doesn't live her she's just staying here for a bit." Kristina snapped back.
"Aunt." Ash mumbled.
"What?" Kristina whispered back.
"You know she hates for us to call her Tia Persephone. We're supposed to call her Aunt Persephone." Ash said simply as the moved throughout the sewage drain.
"Who cares? She can't hear us at the moment." Kristina replied as she rolled her eyes.
"Actually my nephew's right. Its Aunt Persephone not tia." A voice came from the distance.
"Aunt?!" Ash yelled out. No reply came. Kristina gripped the heavy metal bat in her hands. Her palms were sweaty, and her legs felt like lead. She followed quietly behind Ash.
They continued through the sewage until they came up to a big group of Zs. Kristina immediately took several big steps backwards giving her room. Ash followed her and they stood side by side.
The Zs seemed undisturbed. They looked like in their previous life they loudereenagers. Kristina glanced at one that had short shorts with holes in them. She also had a red checkered top. The Z turned to look at Kristina and cocked its head to the side. It seemed to be smelling the air. It turned, and began to talk to the other Zs. It was a large group, and Kristina couldn't quite count how many there were. Finally, they looked back. The Z with the red checkered top began to talk.
"Hey sister." She said. It reminded Kristina of Melina's voice from Mortal Combat.
"I have no relation to the likes of you." Kristina spat out.
"Oh yeah. You're not my sister. You'd be my mother. You horrible little bitch." The Z said with spite. They all began to run at Ash and Kristina.
Kristina swung her bat at the first wave of Zs. Her hands began to ache with pain from gripping her bat so hard. She fought better at night, but she knew she wouldn't be able to keep this up.
Ash shot as many as he could from behind Kristina, but he soon ran out of ammo. A wall of dead Zs lay at Kristina's feet. The Z had called Kristina their mother. He knew why, but he didn't get why they would charge at her. He didn't get why their own aunt would just leave them. Ash grabbed a metal pole from the floor, as Zs streamed from the entrance. They came from both sides. Then again, Ash thought, Persephone wasn't the greatest Aunt.
"Ash! I can't do this for much longer!" Kristina yelled to Ash.
"Escape plan?" Ash asked hopefully.
"For me. I don't know how you could escape. You're not good at climbing." Kristina said with sadness tinged in her voice.
"You think this is a trap?" Ash asked. Persephone, his and Kristina's aunt, asked for him to come alone. Either she had been planning this and she wanted Ash alone to die, or this is Kristina's punishment for coming along. Persephone had directly told him to come alone, but only Kristina had the knowledge of where she was.
Ash had to move back to make way for the Zs that kept coming. Soon, Kristina and Ash were back to back.
"Well this is the end." Ash said as the did their best trying not to get bit or trampled to death.
"For you! I'm outta here!" Kristina yelled.
"Wait what!? You dirty lying unloving horrible sister! You nasty little pr-" Ash began screaming at the top of his lungs. Kristina shoved a ladder down and pushed him towards it. She stood at the bottom.
"Hurry the hell up!" Kristina yelled from the bottom. A Z snapped at her neck. She pulled away only to see Zs trying to gnaw her legs off from the floor.
Ash hurriedly climbed the ladder it closed shut retracting to the ceiling making Ash yell and almost fall off. Kristina cursed there was no way she could get to the ladder now.
"Persephone I'll say the word! Stop the ma-" Kristina started yelling.
Suddenly, the Zs stopped. At that moment they almost looked like human beings. They started to flee the sewage drain in an orderly fashion. One turned and ran at Kristina. Kristina swung her bat and hit its head with a large amount of force. She watched as it fell lifelessly to the floor.
Ash yelled from somewhere. Then, the ladder swung back down quickly and crashed again the wall. Ash fell from the ladder, and Kristina caught him in her arms cradling him like a baby for a second. She dropped him to the floor, and stepped over him.
"Hey! What the fuck man!" Ash screamed from the floor. He clutched his head with one head.
"What? You said I was a horrible sister! Now shut up." Kristina said and gazed up at the ceiling. She heard footsteps slowly getting louder.
"Hello my niece and nephew. Oh, Ash do you still go by Ash Williams or have you gone back to Dotson? I've been meaning to ask you, but I never saw you alone in person." Persephone said. She smiled at Kristina. She came through the door. Two Zs followed her like fans, but the kept their distance like an invisible bubble was around her.
Kristina swung her head around and gazed at her aunt. Then sound of her last name, Dotson, didn't sound so good when Persephone said it.
"Aunt Persephone." Kristina and Ash said in unison with bitterness.

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