Chapter 38

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"Everyone get up!" Jax shouted.
Katia rolled off her log, and landed on the floor. "Get away, Jax."
"Guys, we have no type of transportation except one jet, and we all don't fit. On top of that, it's going to run out of fuel." Jax continued.
Devin sat up on his log and looked at the jet. One window was broken, the seat was covered in dried blood, but other than that it was okay.
Romeo got up, and looked at his team. "Someone get that fire started, someone else get something that can hold food. Please, don't bring me a stick or your hand."
Kristina got up to go, but was pulled back and landed on her butt. She looked at her wrist were the rope was tied. She took out a knife and cut it off.
"Hey! You're grounded, young lady!" Romeo shouted at her.
"Fuck off, dad." Kristina answered sarcastically.
Isabelle rolled her eyes and chuckled as she woke up.
"I'm not your dad, Kristina." Romeo corrected her.
"It's called sarcasm, Romeo." Kayden says as he emerges out of the forest.
"Where were you?" Ethan asks.
"None of your business. Dotson, come with me. I need you." He looked around at the sleepless faces. Kristina wiped her hand on her shorts, and followed her brother.
"Someone get food. Someone get something to hold it. Someone starts the fire." Romeo said and sighed.
Katia and Ethan started the fire again. Xander and Isabelle went off to go find something to hold the food with, and Nathan and Devin went looking for food. Jax went to look for food, but not with Nathan or Devin.
Romeo supervised Katia and Ethan. Ethan shifted uncomfortably under Romeo's gaze.
"There." Katia said finally. She cut off a chunk of Ethan's shirt.
"What the hell?!" Ethan screamed at her. Katia shredded the piece of his shirt and threw it into the fire.
"Calm down, it's for tinder." Katia explained with a smile. The tiny fire started going and Katia pulled a shirt out of Kristina's pack, shredded it, and threw it into the fire.
Kayden and Kristina came back and Kristina glanced at her pack, and then at the fire. "Katia, did it not occur to you to ask or use your own fucking shirts?" Kristina asked in a tight voice.
"Kristina, I get it we are in an Apocalypse and have limited supplies, but-" Katia started, while waving her knife at Kristina.
"You think that's it! You have really got to be retarded if you thi-" Kristina started to get mad at her friend. Ethan stood up, and moved over to Kristina.
"Just a second, guys." Ethan said the everyone and pulled Kristina away. "What's wrong?" He asked once they were out of earshot.
"I can't tell you." Kristina said and turned away from Ethan.
"Is it really because she's using those shirts that are for guys? You've had them since the start of the Apocalypse."
Kristina hit Ethan on the head. "You don't get it!"
Ethan thought for a while, while Kristina waited impatiently.
"They are Kayden's?" Ethan looked at Kristina for approval.
"Menso!" Kristina yelled at him. They were Kayden's, and Katia had no right to sift through her pack. Ethan ran to catch up with her, and they walked back in silence.
"Don't to through my stuff." Kristina hurriedly, and grabbed her pack.
"I'm going to ground you if you keep being rude." Romeo told Kristina tiredly.
"I have a knife." She pulled one tiny thin knife and stuck it through her hair.
"I can take it away."
"I have more than one." Kristina pulled the knife carefully out if her hair careful not to cut anything, put her pack on her shoulders, grabbed her gym bag, poked Kayden, and the two ran away.

"Pan!" Isabelle shouted. Xander ran over and peered over her shoulder.
"We should get back." Xander said excitedly. They had been looking for something, and now they found it.
Isabelle's mood change,"Why so you can go bother Kristina?"
"I live for a purpose, Isabelle. I'm not living just for her." Xander looked confusingly at Isabelle. He had thought she was lesbian, but he decided to keep his guard up.
"It sure seems like it. 'Oh, why do I get punished? I don't like Xander!'" Isabelle mimicked Kristina. "Next thing you know, she's on your lap."
"I don't see how our relationship concerns you in any way." Xander said. He shifted uncomfortably. He has been thinking the same thing lately. Maybe she just did that to everyone. Maybe she just figured that since they were friends and tied together she had the privilege.
"Because Xander, don't you see?" Isabelle approached him. Xander shrunk against the wall, putting his hands in front of him.
"I kinda like you too." Isabelle whispered in his ear, and held his hands in hers. She pressed a kiss on his mouth.
Xander turned his head away. "I don't went to get you in deep trouble. Get off me!" Xander wanted to thrash out, but Isabelle could paint the picture she wanted. Isabelle kept kissing Xander, while Xander tried to forcefully push her back.
Isabelle twined her leg with his, and he slid down crashing onto the floor where Isabelle hovered on top of him.
Xander considered yelling out rape, but he didn't think now was the time.
"Xander!" Kristina yelled. Kayden stood behind her looking on with a look of confusion in his face. Then he stepped in front of his sister.
"Get out." He told Isabelle strictly.
Isabelle picked herself up with dignity, smiled at Kristina, and skipped out of the room with her pan.
Kayden blocked her sisters view, and looked down at Xander. "Kristina, out please."
Kristina quickly, but proudly, walked out of the room without further argument. She didn't even glance at Xander.
"Pick yourself up. You have quite a lot of explaining to do." Kayden looked at Xander. Xander started to walk out to go talk to Kristina.
"Where are you going? Explain to me, you idiot! We have a lot to talk about." Kayden said and sat down.

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