Chapter 20

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Everyone woke up early in the morning with distant memories of yesterday. Jax woke up first and pounded on everyone's door telling them to wake up. Everyone woke up moaning, groaning, and yawning. Eventually, everyone stumbled their way to the kitchen.
Romeo had served tacos with egg, sausage, and cheese, but nobody ate more than five bites. Except for Jax who ate two tacos. Kalani sat at the table, and ate a chicken salad.
"Is Kristina awake yet?" Xander asks stumbling groggily into the kitchen. He had a white shirt with black shorts.
"No." Elizabeth replied from behind him. She saw Kristina sleeping peacefully on the couch. Her cheek was bruised, but she let no one touch it or try to heal it.
Katia and Gaby came in discussing what could have happened to Ash.
"He could've died. I mean it's one less-" Gaby started. Romeo clamped one hand over her mouth as Xander and Jax gave her a glare. He patted Katia's head and sat down at the table.
"I agree with Gaby. How much you wanna bet Gabs he's dead?" Kalani asked with a cheerfulness in his voice.
"I'll bet he's not dead for a......two tacos and a Twinkie from your care bag." Gaby proposed.
"Sure." Kalani said. Gaby and Kalani shook hands.
"You know-" Romeo started.
Kristina knocked on the kitchen door with the doorknob in her hand, and opened the door. She walked over to Jax and patted his shoulder. She whispered hoarsely in his ear.
"He's not dead. We'll take him back, I promise." Kristina whispered faintly.
The table quieted. Kristina shrugged her shoulders and grabbed at taco from the microwave and bit into it.
"So....where is he then?" Jax asked. Kristina gestured that she couldn't talk. Xander grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. Kristina took them both and started to write what had happened when Ash and her were gone. Kristina left out some parts like her screaming like an idiot at him, and any mention of Ash being related to her. She explained that they went to visit Persephone to make a truce, and she took Ash. Although thus was true, Kristina felt she didn't need to let anyone know what really happened. Except maybe Gaby.
The group stood silently around her reading as Kristina quickly wrote. When she was done there was nothing, but silence.
Kristina downed a glass of water, shoved a packet of cough drops Nathan had in her backpack, and popped a cough drop in her mouth.
"Okay, were heading to Camille's place. You still sure about her Gaby?" Kristina asked breaking the silence.
"Uh...yeah I guess." Gaby replied hesitantly.
"Okay then. Everyone pack. Meet me down here in ten minutes. Nathan, if you're coming along say goodbye to the house." Kristina said and rushed off to pack her stuff.


Everyone stood outside waiting for Nathan to finally come out.
"Nathan we know its your house, but come on!!!" Gaby screamed.
Nathan finally came out his eyes red and puffy. Kristina sighed. She didn't have time for this.
"Everyone get into a truck. Don't care how you do it, but split it in half. I'll drive one and uhhh..." Kristina said she glanced at her options.
"I'll drive." Romeo offered. He turned to the black truck. Kristina grabbed his forearm and mouthed thank you. She let go and everyone began to sort themselves.
Kalani, Jax, Nathan, and Devin followed Romeo. Kristina got into the black truck. Xander got into the passengers seat, while Gaby, Katia, and Elizabeth got in the trunk.
They road in silence until Xander began to talk.
"When did you meet Ash?" Xander asked.
"Back at the base. In the gym. Why?" Kristina responded. Kristina liked Xander in a friendly way, but she was prepared to lie and deny.
"Well you did this secret language thing with him. I didn't know you guys-" Xander began.
"Shut up!" Kristina burst out. She couldn't take it. Obviously she wasn't completely prepared. Ash had just betrayed her and he was her own flesh and blood. Xander was messing with a fresh wound. The car swerved violently.
"Hey! Kris! You okay?" Elizabeth called. Kristina hadn't realized she was being that loud.
"Yeah! I'm fine!" Her own voice sounded fake to herself, Kristina thought.

"So Jax..." Kalani said. Devin and Nathan were in the truck, while Kalani and Jax sat in the back.
"Get away, Kala." Jax said dejectedly. All the guys felt bad for Ash's disappearance and they all were grieving for him. Jax just wanted to be alone, but Kalani was like a thorn in his side.
"Hey! It's not my fault you friend died! Heck it's your own fault. Maybe if you were watching him it wouldn't have happened." Kalani said.
Jax was thinking the same thing. He hated for his fears to be voiced aloud. He loved Kalani like family, but even she pissed him off some times. Especially now, because it was his friend. He just couldn't take it anymore. He hit Kalani. She fell to the floor. Jax checked her pulse. Thankfully, she just knocked out.
Finally, I can grieve in peace.

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