Chapter 8

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"Why didn't anyone remember those two!?"Katia exclaims as they run along the hallways back to the boys restroom.
"Well for one they are always alone together." Kristina, who was leading the way, pointed out.
"You got a point, I mean if they are always alone and out of sight it would make sense that they are always forgotten." Romeo added.
"I ship it." Elizabeth mumbled to herself in the back. Katia hearing this shook her head and rolled her eyes. Katia and Elizabeth continued to run side by side.
"Guys what if they are dead?" Jax said.
"What is wrong with you? We are talking about Ash. He could hold up on his own." Xander said.
"Yeah, but they are in a restroom. Zombies come in and block their way out, and if they stupidly went into a stall they could be cornered on all sides." Jax said explaining how they had a slim chance of survival.
"He's got a point." Kristina said, although what Jax said only wanted to make her run faster.
"Yes, and the fact that Ash nor Gaby have any kind of weapon contributed to that statement." Romeo said pondering the chances of their survival as well.
"I'm regretting bringing you both on this team."Xander muttered as they finally approached the bathroom.
They all stopped and stared waiting for a sign. Just something they could register as a symbol that Gaby and Ash were alive. Finally, they heard a faint very soft whimper almost a cry. They heard another moan and then they all charged in at the same time. 




They all stumbled in at the same time, while Xander, Jax and Elizabeth fell on the floor during the big commotion.
"Wow...and I came in last." Elizabeth said slowly standing up.
Gaby and Ash were nowhere to be found near the entrance. The whole bathroom was silent. 
"Okay well check the stall as the very back." Katia said breaking the silence. No one made a move to go and check, so Elizabeth dusted of the front of her pants and grabbed Katia and dragged her towards the back stall.
"Hey, I never volunteered for this." Katia said as Elizabeth and her stared at the door.
Elizabeth reached for the door handle and yanked it. The door was locked.  Elizabeth knocked on the door in a certain pattern, waited for fifteen seconds, and did it again.
"Gaby?" Katia muttered and the door swung open. Elizabeth drooped to the ground pulling Katia with her, so they would not get hit by the door.
Two zombies streamed out carrying a thrashing Gaby in their arms. A piece of cloth covered Gaby's mouth to prevent her from talking. Ash lay in a corner looking like he had been dragged through concrete on a hot day, beaten with a belt, and then tortured beyond recognition. He sat in a corner with a scared look on his face. He too had a piece of cloth covering his mouth. Just by looking at Gaby he felt like a complete failure. Then the memory of what happened started to come back to him.

Ash's P.O.V-

I remember that I hugged Gaby to comfort her. She just looked so sad and insecure about the situation that I just felt like I had to help. I felt like it was my job to protect her. I hugged her, while she cried and then she looked up at me and her eyes. I ran a list through my head about what I could have possibly done. She opened her mouth, but I didn't get a chance to hear what she said. Suddenly, I felt cold lifeless hands on my neck and I knew we were in trouble. I was pulled back away from Gaby, and they took hold of her wrist. I felt immediately responsible for whatever happened to her. The zombies began to whisper awful things in my ear. Telling me that I was going to let them take Gaby, and not tell anyone anything or I was going to die. I had no weapon, and I didn't have anyone but myself. I predicted I would most likely die, but hopefully give Gaby or someone time to escape or get here. 
          I threw myself out of the Z's grasp and headed to stand near Gaby. There were two on me and two blocking Gaby. Four against one. I kicked one down that was standing near Gaby, but didn't succeed in killing it. I slid under the second one and pushed it back, so I was standing in front of Gaby. 

"Ash they'll kill you! Stop!" Gaby pleaded.
"Get out of here." I said the worry evident in my voice. I turned back to check on her, which was the wrong move.
A Z grabbed me and pulled me away from her, while one grabbed Gaby and hoisted her on his or her shoulder.
The Zs turned their heads up in the air, as if they were listening to something or someone. Then one of them approached me, and grabbed my shirt and pulled me up. He reminded me of a highschool bully who lifts you up against the locker, and hauls you off your feet.
"Today's your lucky day Williams." the Z said and threw me into the corner. His arm snapped in half, but he just left it on the floor.
"Ash listen to me." Gaby said. All that matters is that he hears my last words.
"We'll see each other again. I promise you on the gods above. I know you don't know me much, but I think-" Gaby was stopped by a zombie gagging her with a piece of his shirt.
"Oh Gaby I'm so sorry I failed you. I meant to save you, and I promise you I'll do everything I can to get you b-" Ash was stopped by the same means as Gaby.
The Zs were about the go out the door when they heard shouting. Ash knee it was everyone else coming back, but he nor Gaby could say anything. Ash thought about taking the makeshift gag off, but that would only get him killed. Then they heard two people approaching the door. One knocked in a distinct pattern and Gaby's face lit up. The pattern came again, and Gaby thrashed about in the zombies arms.  One Z reached out and opener the door. Then they all started to rush out at once.

"Move in!" Kristina shouted. Only Jax, Xander, Ash, and Elizabeth seemed to know what she meant.  The all rushed in and crowded the Zs from moving forward.
Kristina slipped out her dagger and knocked on onto the floor. This unbalanced Gaby, so now the zombies only had her wrists. Katia slipped in and helped Ash, while Romeo closed the door so no one would leave or come in.
Gaby dropped herself to the floor, so she was on her knees.
The Zs fell along with her crashing down onto the floor.
Xander and Jax crushed the heads of the zombie on the floor beside Gaby.  Finally, no more zombies were left.
Gaby ran over to Ash and hugged him. All the other boys turned and started to whistle casually.
"Thank you." Gaby whispered.
"No problem." Ash said and ruffled Gaby's hair with his hand.
Katia sneaked a peak at Romeo, but quickly put her head down. She sat down and put her hands underneath her thighs. Kristina noticing this patted her head as she passed by.
"Okay we got to get out of this place." Kristina said.
"Agreed, but ugh.....its not early and zombies are probably surrounding the place. I'm sorry to come against you fair lady, but I think it would be best if we move out tomorrow." Romeo said.
"Good thinking. Its not like we have anything else to do." Kristina said and shrugged her shoulders.
"Someone should go and see if the entrance is open." Xander said with a sigh.
"On it." Jax said and sprinted out of the room.
"Elizabeth you are deemed charge of food." Kristina said and turned to Elizabeth.
"Like always." Elizabeth said and walked out the door.
"Someone go find some blankets and pillows." Kristina added. She planned to sleep near the entrance just in case.
"I'll go to the storage room." Romeo said and left.
"Gaby and Katia would you go and clean up any blood or remains at the entrance." Kristina added.
"Got it boss." Katia and Gaby said in unison and left leaving only Kristina and Ash.
Kristina turned on her heel and faced Ash.
"When are you going to tell them the secret?" Ash asked.
"Perhaps never. You didn't tell the family the secret. You just left and lied." Kristina replied.
"I had a perfectly good reason for-" "No you didn't! And even if you did I don't want to hear it. I only left you with me in the same room, because I wanted to say that you better be fair to Gaby." Kristina said and moved toward the door about to open in.
"Sis wait!" Ash said.
"What is it Ash?" Kristina said in a small annoyed whisper.
"Love ya." Ash said.
"I hate you." Kristina replied in a short clipped tone. Then, she walked out the door.

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