Chapter 13

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"She's nuts."
"One too many screws loose."
"Not sane?" Romeo said.
They said these things as they entered through the hole in the fence. They looked around at their surroundings. A tree stood in the middle of the backyard with roses around it in a circle. Fire blazed like stones around the bottom of the tree. Although, it didn't spread past the flowers.
"Wow." Romeo said as he gazed at the tree.
"Must be some fancy witch." Ash said.
Katia looked around for a doorway or any sign of an entrance to the house, but found none.
Gaby spotted Kristina and Devin arguing near the tree. Kristina pointed angrily at the tree and then at Devin. Devin just made weird motions with his hands.
"Over there!" Gaby yelled out and pointed in the direction Devin and Kristina were arguing in.
The group made their way towards Kristina and gazed at the tree. They saw that the fire made pictures. They all stared into it.
Gaby saw herself writing in a room. She saw only herself, her notebook, and pen. A fireplace was next to her as she sat in a blue recliner. Gaby started at herself. Gaby thought she looked older...
Katia looked at the picture in the fire. She saw her and her dad's house. Katia lazily carried a soccer ball with her. She looked around the house, but couldn't find her dad. Then, the image changed and Katia saw herself playing in a large field. She wore a team shirt she didn't recognize. She was taller and her hair was longer.
Jax looked into the fire and saw himself carrying a little girl. She looked about eleven. She had brown hair and huge hazel eyes. Jax didn't recognize the girl, but he shrugged it off.
Elizabeth looked into the fire and saw nothing. She felt extremely bored. She saw her friends looking into the fire with curious, anxious, happy, and uncertain looks. She just rolled her eyes and turned away.
Romeo looked into the fire and saw strange syllables. Weird letters that meant nothing to him. He was confused. He tried to understand it but he just couldn't.
Xander looked into the fire and saw himself kneeling I'm the grass and playing with a little girl. The little girl looked like an image of him except she had black hair. The girl reminded him of his little sister.
Ash looked into the fire and saw Gaby. Ash felt confused. He knew that he and Gaby had a bond, but he wasn't sure he liked her. They barely meet. He saw them sitting in a meadow. They were just talking but Ash couldn't make out what they were talking about.
Finally, after the group finished looking into the fire, they all began to focus on what Kristina and Devin were talking about.
"Why don't you go first?! For god damn sake you were the one that brought us here!" Kristina yelled.
"The witch lady told me you had to go first. She said if you did it it would be a sign of your bravery." Devin explained. His voice sounded exhausted from fighting with Kristina.
"I'm all about signs, but there is no way I'm jumping into that fire. Plus, I know I'm brave and all but why do I need to jump into a fire to prove myself?" Kristina asked.
"She won't let us in if you don't go in first. She said you going in first would be symbolizing trust. If say Elizabeth would go in first, Elizabeth and those who followed her would all be killed." Devin replied.
"Fine." Kristina said finally.
"Someone point a gun at this man. If I scream or burn to ashes kill him before he tricks any of you to step in this damn fire." Kristina said as she walked over to the fire. Elizabeth took out her gun and handed it to Ash.
"I don't want it!" Ash said rejecting the gun. Ash handed it to Gaby who insisted that she couldn't kill Devin. Gaby then handed it to Katia who reacted as Gaby had.
"JUST CAN SOMEONE BE WILLING TO AVENGE MY DEATH IF I DIE!" Kristina exclaimed. She looked into the fire but saw nothing but orange flames and smoke.
Katia threw the gun at Jax. He loaded it, cocked it, and aimed it at Devin. His finger hovered over the trigger.
Devin just rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms. He looked at Kristina with a blank look.
Kristina took a deep breath and stepped into the fire. She expected it to be scalding hot, but it was rather cold. She felt herself disappear from existence. She felt light as a feather for a moment. Then, it all came rushing back to her. Kristina fell down hard on a mattress. She bounced twice until she regained her balance and sat down with her legs under her. She looked around. She saw bunches of vials and other things. She looked up and saw a void. She saw a shadow like something was about to come out of it.
Kristina rolled off the mattress, and saw Devin crashing down. He stood up like he had done it a thousand times.
"I told you so!" He screamed as Gaby fell from the void.
"THAT WAS SO COOL!" She exclaimed. Katia came falling from the void. She landed in a heap on top of Gaby.
"More coming....move." Katia said painfully. She looked like she had gotten the wind knocked out of her, which she probably had. Gaby and Katia quickly moved as Jax came out of the void. He landed on his feet, but reeled frontwards. He put his hand out in front of him to prevent him from falling of his face.
"Oh God." Gaby muttered as the three girls looked away from Jax and his awkward position.
Jax managed to stand up as Elizabeth fell through the void. Elizabeth sent them both crashing down. As they cursed and got up. They waited for the rest to fall from the mysterious void.
"Um...anyone know where weird witch lady is?" Gaby asked.
A Lady in a blood red cloak appeared in front of the mattress.
"Suited your self's to calling me weird witch lady, huh? The Lady in the cloak said.
"Uh..." Gaby stalled as Ash, Romeo, and Xander fell in at the same time. Ash landed on the mattress, Xander landed at Gaby's feet, and Romeo fell at Kristina's feet.
"Finally! All the heroes are here!" The cloak lady said thrusting her arms up in the air in triumph.
She speed away her blood red cloak billowing after her.
"We shouldn't trust her." Elizabeth whispered as soon as the cloak lady was out of ear shot.
They all huddled together.
"Why? I mean she could have useful information." Katia replied.
"What if one of us has information, but hasn't told the others?" Ash added kicking Kristina in the ankle.
"I'm sure that's not the case." Gaby said with a sigh.
"Can we go already?" Devin said leaning on a shelf.
He wasn't invited to their "group chat".
"Let's go. Break." Kristina said. Everyone separated out of the huddle and went down the same shelf the cloaked lady had.
They went down the shelf and entered a room. The Lady was behind a counter seated in a chair that principals use.
"I've been expecting. You. You. You. You. You, and that's it. The rest of you leave." The lady in the cloak said. She wore her cloak so that you couldn't see her face. She had pointed at Kristina, Gaby, Elizabeth, Katia, and Xander. Everyone else was shooed out of the room by Devin.
The five stood in an awkward silence. The lady watched them with eyes as fierce as a tiger that had been starving for days.
Finally, a satisfied smirk grew across her face.
Katia had a feeling that this lady would either make them or manage to break them. She thought it was the later. Katia had the feeling that her bad luck was drawing everyone evil towards them.
Katia looked at the wall, and saw her thoughts imprinted on it. In cursive red lettering the wall read-

-This lady is either going to make us or break us. Its probably the latter. We're doomed.- Katia Marquez

After a couple of minutes it disappeared and Gaby's thought were displayed on the wall.

-Damn this is cool. You can basically write on the wall with your mind!- Gabriela Heredia

Its vanished within thirty second and Xander's thought were displayed next.

-Hm...I thought her name was Gaby.- Xander Farrow.

"My name is Gaby." Gaby groaned.
"That's not what the wall said." Xander replied.
Finally, the women stood up and dropped down her cloak.
She was a tall girl with delicate features. She wore a pair of white converse, skinny jeans, and a white top with the imprint of roses blooming. She had light brown hair and her eyes changed color constantly.
Its made Katia's head hurt to look I to her eyes.
The lady draped the cloak on her chair and stood in front of them.
"My name is Camila Rebecca Paterson." The lady said with a slight pause between the words is and Camila.
"It is?" Kristina said.
"Of course!" Camila said with a laugh.
"Uh weird- I mean Camila, why didn't you display Kristina's or Elizabeth's thoughts on the wall of thoughts?" Gaby asked.
"Well, simply because there is no thoughts or because they wish that I do not read them." Camila replied. She went to a bookcase behind her desk and began to scan the titles.
"I didn't want you to read my thoughts." Katia mumbled. She noted to ask Kristina later exactly what she did.
Camila moved from the bookcase to her drawer and began to move things around. She was obviously looking for something and couldn't find it.
"Do sit down. Make yourself at home. Have some tea." Camila said as she snapped her fingers.
A table, five chairs, a pitcher of tea, and five cups appeared in the room. It was just beyond Camilla's bookcase. The five sat down and exchanged weary glances.
The tea began to pour itself.
"Shit!" Xander exclaimed and scooted back.
"What is this? Some beauty and the beast magic?" Gaby asked. She seemed rather fascinated by it and inspected it. She went as far as to poke the pitcher.
Katia who often read books about magic and such thought its would rather have been more....exciting.
Elizabeth just looked straight ahead with no opinion of the matter.
The cups set itself in front of them. Gaby tasted the teat and thought about how it tasted. Finally, she gave the verdict.
"This stuff is great!" Gaby exclaimed and began to drink more.
Elizabeth and Katia gave uncertain looks to their tea.
Kristina smelled it. Her brother had taught her to tell the difference between a good drink and a drink that was messed with.
She made a small cut on her index finger and poured a small amount of the tea over it. Its burned like hell. It bubbled where it bad made contact with her flesh.
"Shit." Kristina mumbled.
"What?" Xander asked. He was about to try some of the forbidden tea.
Kristina kicked him as hard as she could. The tea slopped down on his shirt. Kristina looked at Gaby, Katia, and Elizabeth who were drinking the tea. She sighed and put her head in her hands.
"Found it!" Camilla bellowed from across the room. She held up a tattered paper. On it was thin writing in cursive letters.
"What's that?" Gaby asked perking up.
"A note from someone named Persephone." Camilla read the bottom,"It's for four people that match your description. She also told me that Kristina would lead me to her brother A-"
"Adrian! He's dead. Died of the.....bubonic plague." Kristina said once nothing came to mind.
She cursed herself for naming Gaby's brother and a disease that was really old.
"Yeah....Adrian. Uh-huh." Camilla said as she raised one eyebrow at Kristina.
"Either way...we have this note to read and if its describing ME I'd like to know what its about." Gaby said stumbling from her chair to where Camilla was. Elizabeth and Katia followed her.
Kristina sighed of relief as her and Xander walked over to Camilla.

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