Chapter 37

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"The jet!" Kristina screamed. She scrambled for the door, as Ethan pulled her back.
"Kristina! You'll die if you jump out!" Ethan yelled at her.
Romeo talked into the radio. "Jet number two going down. Set your jet on the floor. I repeat set you jet on the floor. Check for survivors."
"Gun. I need a gun." Kristina whispered and sifted through her pack.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kalani asked as the plane began to descend.
Before Kristina answered she banged the butt of the gun at the window making it break. "Wow fragile." She whispered. She started to shoot at the jet the Zs were in.
"Kristina! As captain I command you to stop!" Romeo yelled at her.
"Fuck off." Kristina whispered as the Zs jet swerved away from Kayden's. Ethan grabbed the gun, and pulled.
"Ethan literally what the hell?!" Kristina pulled the gun back and shoved it into her bag.
"Thanks, Ethan. Kristina, you're grounded." Romeo said as he gently landed the jet.
Ethan blushed, "Whatever."
"You can't ground me, Rome. It's impossible. Trust me." Kristina said and laughed.
"What if I tie your smart ass to Xander, huh?" Romeo looked back at her.
"You wouldn't dare." Kristina gave him a look.
"I would." Romeo said simply as he and Kalani got out.
"I hate you all." Kristina said as Ethan picked her up and carried her out. Ethan laid her down on the grass and ran over to the jet.
Kristina looked around to see Devin. She tugged on his jeans, and Devin looked down at her. Nathan stood beside him. Kristina raised her hand to receive help, and Devin put it over his shoulder. The three moved closer to the destroyed jet. Kayden and Xander were just crawling out of the wreckage.
"Help!" Katia yelled from inside. Ethan looked at Devin and Nathan who arrived. He grimaced when he saw Kristina and face palmed himself.
Kayden and Xander's coughs filled the silence. Kristina looked to the side to see a old lady in a wheel chair. The only problem is that she was a Z. Devin took out his gun and shoot three times at the woman and missed. Kristina snatched the gun out of his hands, and shoot once.
"Brag much." Devin muttered. Kristina just pushed him forward to the old dead Z. She pushed the lady off the chair, and sat in the wheelchair. "Great, now I feel old."
Devin just laughed as they walked and wheeled back.
Katia still banged on the metal. The sound got fainter and fainter each time. She kept coughing.
"Katia, we're gonna get you out okay? Just hang in there, hun. How is Elizabeth doing?" Ethan asked her loudly.
"She's d-dead." Katia said between coughs and sobs. Kristina looked up at Devin then back at the jet. She tried to remember her last words to Elizabeth, but she couldn't.
Romeo stared at the jet. We just lost not only one, but two people under his rule. He promised himself he would not keep the position of leader if he did more harm than good. Sure he set them on the right track, but two people? Am I really that irresponsible? Kristina didn't lose anyone. Maybe I was wrong to accept the position.
"Romeo! What do we do?!" Kalani shouted at him.
"Oh um....Devin go see if you can clear a path to get Katia out. Don't stay there to long. Everyone else get a knife or something and try to make a hole for Katia or get some air through." Romeo ordered snapping out of his thoughts. The group set to work except for Kristina who was drinking water mixed with sugar. She glanced at Romeo and smirked like she knew exactly what was happening in his mind. She probably did know since she was leader at one point. Romeo breathed deeply and took out his own knife. He started to dent the metal. As soon as Xander created a medium sized hole Katia started to cough again.
"She's alive!" Kristina screamed dramatically.
Xander pulled her out. She rolled onto the ground and coughed her lungs out. Kristina wheeled over to her, and simply looked at her. She settled down in the ground, and leaped through the hole.
"What the fuck, Dotson!?" Katia screamed after her. Kristina came out a minute later with Elizabeth. She half ran and half stumbled her way across the grass.
"Kristina!" Romeo yelled after her. The group started to ran after her as well. Devin got out of the jet, picked up the wheelchair and ran. Nathan simply walked after the group. Katia pulled herself up and ran as well. The two jets exploded behind them. Kristina waited patiently with a smirk on her face.
For a moment everyone was quiet, they settled in peace. The only thoughts on their minds was Elizabeth, where to go, what to do, if they should all just quit?
Ethan figured that all groups had this kind of moment. Where everyone just wants to give up and sits in the own misery. In the movies there was always that only inspirational person. The one that stood up and said everything was going to be okay. That's wasn't happening now.
"Guys, I've decided that I'm handing over leadership to anyone who wants it." Romeo said suddenly. He stood with his back to the group.
Kristina got into her wheelchair and looked at him. She waited for a minute and began to speak. "That's to bad, because no one wants it. Basically you're a screwed." Kristina wiped her hands in her shorts.
"What?! I can't do anything?!" Romeo turned to the old leader. She looked the part. In a wheelchair as if she were old, retired and didn't want anything to do with the team, but leave it in safe hands.
"Nope. You'll lose butt loads of people on the way, but you suck it up and bring back the life to your team." Kristina told him.
"Really?" Romeo asked hopefully.
"No, you suck, you're crap, and you're doing a horrible job." Kristina said sarcastically and started to roll away.
"You're still grounded." Romeo said as Ethan grabbed the back of the wheelchair and pulled.
"Not fair! I was trying to shoot the-" Kristina said quickly about to explained she was shooting the Z's, so they wouldn't crash into Kayden's jet when they fell.
"Excuses. Excuses." Kayden muttered and shook his head solemnly.
"Anyone got rope?" Romeo asked as Katia handed him some from her bag.
Ethan grabbed Kristina's wrist as Romeo tied it to Xander's.
"Why am I being punished?" Xander complained.
"Because I don't want to deal with angry moody teenagers." Romeo told him. "Okay, everyone listen up! Kayden and Ethan start a fire. Katia open the coconuts. Kalani make the beds. Jax unpack the stuff." Romeo ordered them to get settled for the second time that day.


A fire was set up. Decaying logs were set up around it like a summer camp. Blankets were throws over the logs with a pillow. Their bags sat on top of the grass.
Ethan sat uncomfortably on his log. He thought about why Romeo would give up leadership? Sure, he didn't know how he obtained it, but still. He hadn't seemed to be doing a terrible job. Perhaps they won't let him not be leader. Who knows?
Katia sat on her own log thinking about Elizabeth. She didn't have her long. She should've done something to protect her. I mean she hit a wall and then knocked out. After that, well Katia didn't know much. Maybe she woke up at one point and was calling Katia, but Katia was too busy panicking. Katia's own thoughts haunted her. She shifted one her uncomfortable log. She missed her friend so much. She felt like Elizabeth should be next to her, while they sat in quiet whispers. She really didn't talk much to anyone else, but Katia herself. Katia brought her knees up and went into a fetal position on her log. She couldn't help herself from feeling so overwhelmed when she thought about the Zombie Apocalypse and Elizabeth. Out of all people why should she be the one to go? Wait....maybe she's not dead. What if she's just in a coma or in some deep sleep?! Ugh, fist stage, denial.

Romeo, Devin, and Nathan scooped dirt over the hole they created. The stood around the filled in hole, their hands covered in dirt.
"Anyone want to say something?" Kalani asked as she approached.
"What are you doing here?" Romeo asked her. He looked over to see Kalani with a solemn look on her face.
"Attending the funeral." Kalani replied simply.
"Elizabeth was a great person." Devin spoke suddenly. He stared down at the spot where she was buried.
"She didn't talk much, but she fought alright." Kalani added.
"She was nice to Katia, and Kristina, and Gaby, and Anyssa, and-" Nathan started.
"She was polite and quiet." Jax interrupted.
"She was a great member of the team." Romeo added. They all stared down at the grave.
"She was great, for the most part." They all said at once.

Xander sat on a log. He was still tied to Kristina. Her head rest in his lap, as she slept. He played with her hair, and thought about Elizabeth. The guys were supposed to be digging a grave, but Xander had to stay because of Kristina. Ethan decided to stay for who knows what reason. Kristina woke up suddenly, and moved herself from Xander's lap.
"Funeral." She whispered and got up. She started running until the rope pulled her back. She landed on her butt, and glared at Xander.
"What?" He replied to her stare. He got up as they walked over to where the funeral was supposed to be. Katia sadly got up and followed them. Ethan and Isabelle followed Katia out of curiosity, and it ended up becoming one long line. The group came into silence as they reached Elizabeth's grave.

Katia cried and sniffed. Romeo came over and tried to comfort her. He put his arm around her shoulder.
Ethan looked over and quickly looked back down at the grave.
Jax and Kalani stood side by side looking down at the grave. Jax knelt down remembering the time when Elizabeth traced his tattoo back at the underground base.
Kristina buried her face into Xander's side, and he draped his arm over her.
Isabelle stood by herself uncomfortably. She didn't really know who Elizabeth was, so like a person attending the wrong funeral. She felt like an outsider.
Nathan and Devin wrapped an arm around the others side and stared at Elizabeth's grave. Nathan cried a little, while Devin eyes just conveyed sorrow.
"Atque in pepetuum frater ave atque vale." Kristina said.
"Ave atque vale." Katia said, and burst into tears.
"Ave atque vale?" Romeo repeated after them. He didn't know what it meant, but it seemed to be good.
"Ave atque vale." Ethan, Xander, Nathan, Devin, and Jax said together. They mostly sounded unsure, but they repeated it right for the most part.

"Ave atque vale." Isabelle said assuredly. Unlike, everyone except Katia and Kristina she knew what the words meant. It meant hail and farewell in Latin.

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