Chapter 14

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"Five destined to meet at HEB.
They join forces and battle together.
Love is dangerous. Do not fall in.
Some shall pass, more shall come.
Through fire and smoke you will have to walk upon.
Come ye who want triumph, those who wish to fail shall stay.
I wish my dearest nephew A.W to be sent to me.
One or three shall be shunned.
One or two shall betray you.
One shall lead you to victory. If he or she doesn't die first.
Postscript: Let A.W walk by himself. I mean you!" Camila read the note to them.
"Sounds like a bunch of gibberish to me." Elizabeth said. She was leaning slightly on Gaby.
"Yep, a whole load of crap." Gaby agreed.
"You sure this wasn't written by a Kindergartner?" Katia asked.
"Yeah, looks like a bunch of scribbles to me. Plus, whose A.W?" Xander asked.
Kristina snatched the note off the table and started to study it.
"Hey! That's entrusted to me!" Camila said while she chased Kristina around the room.
"Its from my aunt and now I'm going to keep it lady." Kristina saicouche stopped suddenly and Camila crashed into her.
"Out." Kristina said and headed towards the door.
The five walked out with the note as Camila sighed from the floor.
"Is it okay if we took stuff?" Jax asked once Kristina came out.
"You stole?" Kristina asked.
"No!" Romeo yelled backing away from the shelf he was looking at.
"Yes." Jax sighed.
"Finally, you're using your head!" Gaby said and smiled proudly.
Kristina grabbed a chair and propped it against the doorknob.
"We should be fine." Xander said while he inspected the chair.
"All you can take buffet!" Gaby yelled as the group raided the shelves.
Devin stood there shaking his head in disappointment. He looked at the shelves with longing. Finally, he joined the group.
As the group raided the shelves Camila banged on the door and screamed to let her out. Her voice was drowned out by the clinking of glass vials, and the yells of excitement. Finally, the group had taken most of the store. All that was left was Camilla's uneaten taco and books in some language none of them could decipher.
Katia grabbed the taco as Romeo looked at her.
"What!? I didn't eat breakfast." Katia said and left the store with her taco.
As they left the saw the backyard with the tree and flowers but no fire.
Everything was as it had been left. They all looked at the gate and saw the hole in the fence. They all went through it one by one.
"So what do we do now?" Gaby asked.
"First, we have to find shelter." Katia said while looking up at the sky.
"Yeah, but where?" Devin asked. They all glared at him. He went back to being quiet.
"Well, we could just find a house. Anyone know where we could stay?" Ash suggested.
"Well....wait doesn't Nathan live around here?" Kristina asked.
"How do you know that?" Elizabeth asked. She hated Nathan, but in a contest Kristina practically wanted him dead.
"I have my ways." Kristina said. They girls hopped into the black truck and the boys I'm the red truck.
They all speed away towards Nathan's house.
"What did the weird cloak lady tell you guys?" Jax said from the backseat.
"Some note. And her name is Camila." Xander replied.
"I don't like her." Ash said from the front.
"You haven't meet her!" Xander protested.
"She made Devin shoo me out of a room. That's all I need." Ash replied as he followed the black truck.
"In my defense she told me to get out too." Devin said.
"Why are you here, again?" Romeo asked politely.
"Yeah, how do all the girls know you?" Xander added.
"I went to their school back in the seventh grade." Devin replied quietly.
"Hm.....figures." Jax said.
"What do you mean?" Devin asked oblivious to the fact that they didn't want him to speak.
"Well, you obviously did something. Gaby doesn't even treat you nicely. The girl will talk to any one of us." Jax replied.
"Well, I used to hang out with Kristina, Anyssa, and Nathan. Not so much the rest." Devin replied in his defense.
"I don't know. Kristina is....nice, but she doesn't just talk to anybody. She didn't even want me to come along, but she warmed up. If she knew you before it doesn't explain why she won't talk to you now." Romeo added.
"Well she said-" Devin started. Ash parked fiercely and the car swayed.
"What the hell man?!" Jax yelled as he got out of the car.
"Sorry!" Ash replied. They stood in front of a squat house. Elizabeth shot a zombie that had bit some lady running with a frying pan on Nathan's front lawn.
The lady lay crumpled on the ground as a boy in a gray sweater, pants, a black t-shirt, and a kitchen knife came running out.
"MOM!" He yelled.
"God." Gaby muttered. She looked away from the sad earthly scene.
The mother/Z tried to bite Nathan's face off. Kristina kicked Nathan to the side and shot the Z.
"What are you doing that's my mom!" Nathan yelled.
"Not anymore. Get over yourself Nathan." Kristina said. Nathan spotted the people on his front lawn. Finally, he looked at Devin.
"DEVIN! YOU CAME BACK!" Nathan exclaimed and hugged his friend.
"Ugh." Kristina said and walked inside the house.
"Nathan is it? Uh....if you haven't noticed there's a Zombie Apocalypse and we need shelter. Kristina said if we came here we could stay at your house." Romeo said politely while approaching Nathan.
"I guess-" Nathan started.
"Great!" Jax said and entered the house. Elizabeth, Katia, and Gaby followed him.
"This is going to be a long night." Ash said and walked inside the house.
"Thank you fine man." Romeo said and walked inside the house. Xander and Nathan stood in a awkward silence.
"Sorry about your uh.......loss." Xander said glancing at Nathans mother that was on the lawn.
Xander quickly walked inside the house leaving Nathan to stare at his dead mother.
There were four rooms. The boys decided that Jax, Ash, Xander, and Romeo would sleep in one room and Devin could have the other.
The girls decided that Katia and Gaby would have one room, and Elizabeth and Kristina would have Nathan's mom's room. They all told Nathan he would have to sleep on the couch, well Romeo told him while the others watched.
They all took turns using the bathroom and changing into clothes they snagged from HEB.
Finally, they went to have dinner. An actual meal with decent food.
"Nathan do you know how to cook food that we can eat without dying?" Gaby asked as she cane towards the kitchen.
"No." Nathan muttered.
"Ughhh! What are we going to eat then?" Elizabeth said coming after Gaby.
"I can cook." Romeo said as he put on a shirt that was a size too big for him.
"We really need to buy some clothes." Xander said looking at Romeo.
"More like steal some clothes." Kristina said as she came into the kitchen.
"Who's going to cook?" Jax asked as he came into the kitchen followed by Ash. Devin followed quietly behind them.
"Romeo." Gaby replied. Everyone threw an 'are you sure' look at Romeo.
"YES!" He exclaimed, "but I'll need help."
"No it!" Kristina said quickly as she plopped down on the couch.
"Nope." Xander followed.
"No way." Ash added.
"Never." Elizabeth said quickly.
"No can do." Katia said as she turned on the T.V.
That only left Jax and Gaby.
"Fine!" The screamed and groaned in unison.
Together the three began to cook as Nathan went back outside to be with his mother.


"This is really good." Katia said as she ate her spaghetti and garlic bread.
Nathan had took his plate outside. Kristina, Gaby, Elizabeth, and Katia were on the couch watching T.V.
"Thank you." Gaby said.
"You didn't do anything!" Jax complained from the table in the kitchen.
Gaby glared at Jax who looked at Romeo for help. Romeo just shrugged and went back to eating.
After they ate one by one that went back to their assigned bedrooms.
Gaby and Elizabeth were the only ones left. Kristina hovered in the hall. She was going through her brother's, Chris's, phone. Playing all the songs he liked that she said she hated. She still hated them, but they reminded her of her brother.
"Gaby, what did you see in the fire?" Elizabeth asked suddenly.
"Me." Gaby replied. Kristina lowered down the volume on Chris's phone.
"Can you be more specific?" Elizabeth said and sighed.
"Well, I saw an older me writing a book or something. On a blue recliner by a fire place." Gaby explained,"What did you see?"
"Nothing." Elizabeth replied sheepishly.
"Well, in a book it would mean you probably were going to die, but it could mean other things. Maybe, I don't know...maybe you're unpredictable." Gaby suggested.
Elizabeth frowned and tried to shrug it off. Kristina thought about this. She hadn't seen anything in the fire either.
"Well I'm going to bed. Katia's probably waiting for me." Gaby said and got up. Kristina moved so that she wouldn't be seen.
Elizabeth sat and changed the channel to adult swim. Akame ga kill was on and Kristina knew this could go on for hours. Kristina sighed audibly. Elizabeth started to look around as Kristina rolled under the couch. Elizabeth was about to look under the couch when Nathan came in.
"Hi Nathan I was just going to sleep." Elizabeth said and yawned. She wasn't tired but she didn't want to be in the same room Nathan was. Elizabeth went into the bedroom that was Nathans moms.
"Nathan! I need you to go into that backyard and I will return. Please, its the only chance I have for a second life!" Kristina wailed from under the couch.
"Mother?" Nathan asked.
"Yes, please stay outside and make sure no zombies eat you. I will join you later." Kristina wailed again. Nathan got up and ran outside. He picked up a gun that Elizabeth had left on his way. Kristina really did hope he didn't die, but she needed a distraction.
Kristina got out from under the couch and turned off the T.V.
Ash entered the room quietly. He looked around and Kristina squatted down.
Ash was about to pass when Kristina got up and tripped him.
"Where have you been!?" Kristina whisper shouted.

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