Chapter Eight: A Day In The City

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Keaton led me downstairs to the hotel lobby, outside, and around the corner to the small basketball court behind the hotel.

"How did you know this was back here?" I asked.

"Lucky guess?" He smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"Lucky guess my ass!!" I laughed as I grabbed a ball off the ground next to the hotel wall.

I went to shoot from a one-pointer spot, and I epically failed.

"So... I kind of suck at basketball." I blushed at Keaton.

"Well, lucky for you... I'm a master." He smiled as he walked towards me with the ball.

He turned towards the basket and made a perfect shot through the hoop.

"Show off!!" I joked.

"Jealous?" He joked back.

"Okay, but seriously, how do you shoot a basket?!?!?" I asked, eagerly.

"Okay, so," He came behind me to guide me, "You're right handed so put your right leg slightly in front of your left," he gently touched my right leg, "then bend your knees slightly," he said, bending with me, "then bend your hips farther," he gently touched my waist to help me bend my hips, "and then, with the ball, hold it in your right hand, and make sure your elbow is under the ball and not to the side," he said, placing the ball in my hand and adjusting my elbow, "and then make sure your fingertips are spaced, and then use your left hand as a guide, so place that on the side of the ball," he said, positioning my other arm, "then look at the net," he said, lifting my chin with his fingertip so I was looking at the net, "and then, when you're ready, straighten your knees and jump to shoot," he said, backing away, "and push the ball upward with your right hand, and then follow through."

I smiled at him and then I shot the basket and it went right into the hoop.

"YES!!!!!!!" I jumped into his arms from excitement and he spun me around, "You're the best coach ever!!!"

"Well I had a pretty awesome student." He said as he put me back down.

We stood there, staring into each other's eyes, and he looked from my lips to my eyes three times. He started to lean in slowly and then I got uncomfortable so I ran for the ball, "Let's play!!!"



At the end, Keaton won 27-13.

"Good game, good game." I high-fived him.

"Yeah, that was fun." He slightly smiled.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just tired." He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked as we sat down on the bench next to the court.

"I um... Yeah, I'm sure." He said, hesitantly.

I hope I didn't upset him when I avoided him trying to kiss me... But I don't know, I just... I'm afraid of love... I don't even know the definition of love after being mistreated by my parents... Violet is the only person I've ever said 'I love you' to. She was like my sister. I don't know how to be in a relationship. I don't know how to trust freely.




We went back to our own rooms and I showered and put different clothes on.

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