Chapter Fourteen: Save Me

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I kept the smile on my face because I didn't want him to know I saw him. I headed off stage and I ran to the dressing room. I sat down on the couch and started to hyperventilate. The stylist came in from the other room and rushed over to me.

"Sweetie, are you okay?!" She kneeled down in front of me.

"I just... I need... I NEED WESLEY!!!!!!!!" I screamed through it.




Ten minutes later, I was still hyperventilating, trying to get through it myself, but then Wesley ran through the doors and kneeled down in front of me.

"What's wrong, Teddy, what's wrong?!" He said, concerned.

"I... He... I... He's here!!!" I started crying.

"Who's here?!?" He asked, confused.

"My dad!!!" I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Okay, okay, okay, look at me, look at me," He lifted my chin with his fingertips, "Breath with me."

He helped me catch my breath with inhales and exhales until I was finally okay again.

"Listen to me, everything is going to be okay. I promise. We are going to protect you, whatever it takes. We have a security team that will protect you, and the guys and I will protect you, babe, I promise." He reassured me, "Now I'm gonna walk you back with me so I know you're safe and you're staying with us the entire night."

"Okay, Wesley, I'm so sorry that this happened, and I just... Thank you so much." I threw my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"Anything for you, babe." He said as he held me.




We walked back to the stage and I hung out with the crew as they finished the show.

When the guys came back stage, Wesley told them that my dad was here tonight. Keaton was kind of freaked out and Drew was absolutely pissed. They made sure that the security team was on board in case something happens tonight. We walked back to the dressing room so they could shower, and they told me I could shower before going on the bus.

"I don't have any clothes with me to change into." I said.

"You can wear mine." Keaton smiled as he threw me some basketball shorts and a hoodie.

"Thanks, Keats." I smiled.




When all of us were done, we met the security team outside of the dressing room. The boys were less concerned about themselves and more concerned about me. They wanted to make sure everything still went as planned so nobody outside gets suspicious.

We walked towards the doors of the venue so we could meet fans outside and I had four security guards surrounding me while the boys had none. I went around and talked to the fans and they were the sweetest people I've ever met. They all complemented me and told me they loved me, which was really comforting. I had so much fun talking with them and taking pictures and even signing autographs, even though my signature is really shitty.

When things died down and we started to get ready to head to the buses, the security team called it a night and we told them they were okay to go.

We started walking towards the bus when all of a sudden...

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