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Elijah had been awoken by loud shuffling and clanging noises from downstairs. The sun, which glowed red and indicated that it had only just reached sunrise, shine through the window and prevented the vampire from returning to his slumber.

But something rang different in the days beginning; he slid out of bed and walked towards his door. He had not heard a peep last night from Marianne, and unsure of her return he went to check the door for any messages or notes she had promised to slide underneath.

Disappointingly, he had not received anything. That area had been untouched. Eventually the feeling of disappointment had been overcome by a worrying feeling. Maybe she did not return last night?

The possibilities circled Elijah's mind. Marianne was obviously unhappy when Elijah had left her last night, maybe she had done something unthinkable, maybe she had ran away to avoid the wedding. Maybe she got home late and was sleeping soundly in her bed. All things a possibility.

To ease his mind, he had decided against doing his daily routine. He just needed to be aware of her safety. So he dressed himself and walked out of his room.

On his way down, he found Tristan walking quickly down the hall. "Elijah" he called when Elijah had passed him, the vampire cursing quietly to himself. "Have you seen Marianne?" He asked

Elijah froze. Turning around to look at Tristan's expression and how he was drowning in worry. "She did not come home last night and we cannot find her anywhere"

"I cannot say I have" Elijah replied "have you checked outside?"

"I have every guard in the castle searching, the place being turned upside down, I'm sure someone is outside searching"Tristan said "I know they have gone into the village to ask"

"I will search the forest, personally" Elijah volunteered "she must be somewhere around here"

He strode off without another word to the man. His feet taking him faster until he was out of sight, and then he ran.

The cold morning air bit at his skin as he stepped outside, the fog draping around his feet. Elijah took a moment and breathed in and out, the air he puffed from his nose visible before disappearing.

And so he walked, wading through the dew covered leaves and mud on the forest floor. He knew he needed to start from where he had last seen her, at the site of Lucien's wake.

As soon as he got there, he felt a strong sense of her. A connection. Something strong linking him to her.

But she wasn't here, Elijah followed his senses. His sight, his smell, his feeling. Go right, turn left, walk straight, keep going. He followed the trail she had unintentionally left, footprints that only someone with super senses would pick up. Fragments of her lilac dress on bushes. Every little detail he could pick up.

Until he reached an unconscious body, face down in the dirt. Marianne's hair had been spread and matted with blood. Her lilac dress now darkened with mud and blood.

"Marianne" Elijah immediately dropped to his knees and lifted her head to see if she was still living.

Her eyes shot open as she jumped from his grasp. "Elijah" she realised "oh my goodness, Elijah" she jumped straight into his arms and wrapped hers around his shoulders. Her chin resting on his shoulder.

"What on earth happened?" He asked; looking at her bloodied nose and forehead from when she had hit the ground.

"It turns out I do have a few enemies of my own" she replied with a bubble of laughter that seemed incredibly inappropriate for the situation "my coven wanted revenge, apparently I'm a traitor for marrying Tristan in order to get my brother out"

"You know you aren't" Elijah said in return, it was obvious that it did get to her. He knew she was strong enough to let it go.

"I know" she smiled up at him "it hurts though"

Elijah looked at her wounds once more, having an idea to help her pain. He bit into his wrist and drew blood.

Marianne watched him, she watched how his face changed to something inhuman like it did when they kidnapped her.

"Drink" he offered his wrist "it will heal, remember?"

She looked strangely at the blood, and back at Elijah, wondering if it would be classed as rude to refuse. But as the small widow was closing quickly, she threw caution to the wind and quickly pressed her lips on his wound and drank his blood.

As soon as her wounded were healed and almost immediately after she had stopped drinking, she shot away and spat the excess blood from her mouth; having to stop herself from throwing up.

"I apologise if I come across rude" she wiped her mouth.

"Do not apologise, it is an acquired taste" he laughed.

They both stood to their feet "you are so much better than a silly little coven" he told her, every word being the truth.

Marianne looked into his eyes, stood on her tiptoes and slowly kissed him on his cheek. "Thank you" she held onto his shoulders as she retracted.

Elijah felt the tingle of her lips on his cheek even when she had stepped back. It felt euphoric. "For what?" He asked

"Everything, for teaching me what real friends are, what it feels like to care for someone and feel cared about" she listed "for knowing who I truly am and especially in my darkest times, sticking by me"

"It is the least I could do, you have done so much to help my family" Elijah excused "it is I that should be thanking you"

"You class yourselves as monsters, because you have to drink blood to survive, but you are far from monsters" Marianne inhaled "you all came when I felt my lowest, like you were my guardian angels"

They didn't realise it, but their lips were so close to each other. It felt like time itself had stopped, freezing everything around them.

Marianne finally actually being caught up in a moment so sincere that she didn't want to end it. But she did, this whole thing could compromise what she had given her life Away to do. If they were caught, the consequences would be dyer.

Marianne looked away "I must be getting back to Tristan" she said.

"Of course" Elijah nodded.

Marianne thought that maybe when everything's over, when Tristan rots and Damien is with her again, then they'd be together.

But then, when she kills Tristan, she'd have to flea. And surely the Mikaelson's would not give up their comfortable life here for a girl. And surely she would be unable to convince Elijah to leave nor make him leave.

It leaves her thinking that they would never be fully together, every odd was set against them. She wanted it so badly, but she knew not to get her hopes up.

By the end of the week, she would have to leave. And leave Elijah behind.

They would never be together.

Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now