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"Elijah please he's going to kill me" she pleaded as she grabbed his hand and pulled him forward. But Elijah was stunned; he had wanted to find her for so long now; he needed a moment to just take her presence in. And then reality hit and tears streamed down her face and she kept twitching with pain.

"Who?" He didn't particularly have to ask but he needed clarification, who knows how many enemies she could have made on her road here?

"Tristan" she exclaimed "he's here"

Elijah didn't run with her; instead he pulled her into a tight hug, stifling her sobs as she cried into his shoulder. "I've got you" he hushed her and tried to make her feel as safe as possible.

It felt so nice to be back in his arms again; Mariannes heart fluttered as they made contact, but it couldn't be for long, she had to run and now Elijah could join her. Maybe they could put an end to the madness and maybe she could swallow her pride and go back home.

"But I had her first" Tristan appeared as if out of nowhere, his suit torn at the arm and he like a little worse for wear. But then again, the black rings under his eyes mimicked that of Mariannes; Elijah thought it was just tiredness but he wondered if there was a more sinister explanation for it. "And now you won't have her for long"

Elijah let go of the witch and pushed her back; stepping infront to shield her from any attacks. "You won't touch her"

"Oh but I already have" Tristan coughed before lifting up his finger with the small metal device attached "I scratched her with this; it contains a very small yet very deadly amount of poison, VX to be exact, one scratch and its goodnight forever"

Marianne looked down at the small scratch on her arm and it finally made sense. The burning sensation spreading across her whole body and weakening her by the second, the aching she felt in her bones, everything right now was caused by a small scratch.

Elijah turned around and looked at her arm "no" his eyes flickered from her and towards her wound "I've only just found you, I cannot lose you"

Marianne covered the scratch with her hand to stop him from staring at it and making himself feel worse. She knew it was finally the end, there had been no known antidote to the VX poison and she was sure there wouldn't be any in the near future. "If I fall Tristan, I will take you down with me"

Tristan twitched as he felt pain in his lower abdomen, he coughed once more and started to bring up blood. "How would that be?"

"The liquid I injected you with? A mix of my blood, yours, some herbs and a binding agent to create a very strong link between us" she stumbled up in front of Elijah, the effects now spreading to her legs. "You're poisoned too"

Tristan swallowed as he mirrored Mariannes first reaction to the news; he looked down at his arm and finally came to the realisation that he has ended his own life.

"You can't even watch me die because you'll be dying also" Marianne spat, leaning on Elijah for support.

"Let's spend your moments somewhere in private; let this man die alone" Elijah gently guided her away, turning around to see Tristan's swaying body. He did do it to himself.

As soon as they were away, Elijah picked out his phone and dialled Freya. Marianne looked up, even though she knew that there had been no cure, she did cross her fingers and she did wish that she was wrong.

"Freya" Elijah said urgently "I need you to look up a cure or antidote for a poison labelled VX"

"Elijah, VX isn't curable" Freya replied, not even having to get out any books to research, she already knew the answer. "Have you been hurt?"

"Not me" Elijah breathed away from the phone "Marianne has"

Freya fell silent for a while as she tried to piece together an apology that didn't sound generic "I can try and find something; anything, or something to prolong the effects" Freya tried to think on the spot but she couldn't really seem to find any answers within her mind "how far gone is she?"

Elijah looked at Marianne, he found it weird looking into her brown eyes, it was unnatural for her; Elijah loved how the moon shone in her green eyes, but he could no longer see that. "She can barely walk" Elijah said as he held onto her tightly and almost lifted her off the ground. "How long does it take for this to... You know..."

"It varies, it could take anything from one minute to two hours, no cases have been recorded as longer" Freya said "VX is a poison made completely for suffering"

"You have that right" Marianne rasped as she heard Freya speak over the phone "I'm begging for death right now"

"Don't say that" Elijah snapped "Freya please just get back to me when you can"

"Just make her comfortable" Freya said as the last word; knowing that nothing could help her now.

Elijah dropped his phone back into his pocket, the two kept on walking, both knowing that she wasn't going to make it to the edge of this forest, so they might as well find a place to sit and wait for the sweet solace of death to take her.

Marianne would normally think of death as cold and awful, but the way she was feeling right now had changed her opinion. "Here" she said as Elijah gently sat her down before sitting down next to her. Mariannes head rested on his chest as they both counted down in their heads.

"We'll get through this" Elijah stroked the top of her arm, both of his arms wrapped around her. "I promise"

Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now