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"Everything seems to be better now" Marianne spoke as she looked at herself in the mirror "my blood thirst is minimal and I've finally come to terms with the loss of my magic"  Marianne wiped the excess blood that almost stained the corner of her mouth "I have the perfect life, the perfect family and..." She turned around "the perfect husband"

Elijah sat there and smiled at her; he enjoyed it when she read exerts from her diary, though she only did it once or twice. The open book laid out in front of her, but she didn't need to look at the words. "Tristan is rotting below the ocean and all enemies have been destroyed"

"You have such a way with words" Elijah replied to her, what she said told him nothing new, but he just loved to hear the words she used, it was so unique, and her voice just softened everything.

"You've told me that a thousand times, you know?" Marianne raised her eyebrow and half smiled at him.

"And I will continue to tell you a thousand more" he told her. There was something about losing her over again that just made him appreciate her company a whole lot more.

Marianne looked back and then did a double take, looking at Elijah again "why are you looking at me like that?" She asked him, the blood rushing to her cheeks as he held his gaze.

Elijah didn't answer straight away, he got up from his seat and walked over to her. He held his hand out for her to take and aided her in standing up, like a proper 18th century gentleman. "Because, out of everything in this world, everyone in this world, nobody has managed to terrify me the way I was when I felt you die in my arms, twice"

She looked away as Elijah pulled her closer to him, his hand around her waist. "But I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Yes" Elijah mouthed, so in awe of her beauty he could barely speak. "And I thank the stars that you are"

"What's brought this on?" She asked him innocently "it's been a while since I disappeared"

"I had a dream last night. Well, more like a nightmare" Elijah delved into his dream " I awoke and you were gone, I re lived every single detail of your disappearance, and it felt so real I awoke, almost jumping out of bed to find you"

"And what did you find?"

"I found you, asleep, beside me. Now, that almost felt like a dream. I stopped for a moment and held you, I felt your heart beat and I could hear you breathe and it sounded like music" He half smiled "I think I've lived without you for so long, I grew, I changed, after a while I became numb to the pain. But receiving something or someone you thought you lost is the best feeling in the world"

"Why didn't you wake me? I could have told you myself that I'm okay, that everything is okay" she replied to him.

"You looked peaceful, I couldn't awaken you then, I watched you sleep for the rest of the night, I couldn't take my eyes off you" Elijah trailed off "I couldn't risk you disappearing"

"Elijah" Marianne stood from her chair and walked over to Elijah as she spoke "your family are the first vampires ever created, your brother is compulsive and his downfalls have made you all many enemies. And now, I'm part of the family"

Elijah was still sat on the bed when Marianne took his hands in hers, he brought one hand over and kissed it gently. "There are going to be vampires and witches and werewolves, maybe even humans still hell bent on the destruction of the Mikaelson's"

"There are going to be many many bad people out there plotting, and there'll never be a moment of peace in our lives. I knew that, and I married you anyway" she explained, squeezing his hands tightly.

"But as long as we're together, as long as I'm by your side, there is going to be no possible way I'm ever going to go, I'm stronger now, I'm an immortal" Marianne shrugged "family is power and I'm strong alone but I'm stronger when I'm with you, you watch my love, in months time, they'll hear our name and shiver, the Mikaelson's will no longer be the family that people can try and fight against, I'll make you the way you used to be"

Elijah looked up at her, standing up and kissing her once more. He couldn't get enough. "As long as we have each other, I don't need to be the way I used to"

"And as long as we have each other, nobody would dare to touch one of us"

"I love you, Marianne"

"I love you too"

Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now