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Marianne reached the small shack that she had been directed to. Her hands trailed along until she found what could be classed as the window. It had been boarded up and nailed tight; tight enough that when Marianne pulled on it, it wouldn't budge.

Her eyes adjusted to the darkness as she searched the ground for a miracle; instead she found another panel of wood that must've been discarded. She lifted it and wedged the piece in the small crack, putting all of her weight on it and causing the attached wood to splinter and fall.

"Careful" she said as she threw her bag in first and then pressed her foot against the ledge before pushing herself up and inside.

It was a little smaller than what she was used to; she'd normally charm someone enough for them to let her sleep on sofas or use the spell she was given to get a free hotel room. But this town wasn't the biggest and she needed to rest; especially when a suited guy walked in.

She knelt down and began to unzip her bag, not unpacking everything, but she simply pulled out a blanket to lay on the floor; as it wasn't the cleanest.

A few items of clothing fell out; which she lifted and unwrapped to see a few injections filled with her location blocker formula. Marianne took one and lifted the cap.

She rested the point against the skin just under the Crease of her arm, pressing it down harder until she had broken skin. When Marianne was certain that she had hit a vein, she pressed the liquid in. She just needed to be sure that nobody could find her.

But it didn't make a difference, as when she had discarded the needle; she heard a loud splintering at the front door, telling her that someone had found the shack and was pulling down the wooden panels at the door to get inside. Marianne panicked and rummaged through her bag to get out her plan B, and then she made an escape.

Luckily the way she came in was through the back window; so in her escape she didn't need to cross paths with the intruder. Well; she was the intruder and maybe it was someone that owned the property, but she couldn't take any chances.

She lifted her leg over the window and jumped out, the force of her feet hurting the floor almost made her fall, but Marianne had bent her legs and managed to keep her balance. Her boots landed on some twigs that loudly snapped, causing Marianne to cringe and throw caution into the wind, she ran.

She didn't get very far before her body slammed into that of another's. Not the face; she didn't look up at the face straight away. At first she looked at the leather dress shoes, and the familiar frame draped in a familiar suit. She knew this person and she just hoped to god that this wasn't the one that wanted her dead.

The man's hand touched her waist and she could feel how happy he was, or smug, or relieved; Marianne wasn't quite sure, but what she was sure of was that on his finger was a daylight ring.

Her eyes lingered on the mans collar and then finally she just looked up. "Tristan" her heart sank back into place as she was sure that she had felt Elijah's presence somewhere. But this meant something worse...

"Game over" he muttered with his smug grin, his grip on her waist tightened as he made sure to not let her get away.

"For you" Marianne clutched what she had taken from her bag, which was now another needle filled with something far different than what someone would expect. She jumped and lunged the needle into the corner where Tristan's neck and his shoulder met. His hand slid off her waist but he threw his arm forward to take hers but what Marianne believed to be his nail skimmed her skin, causing a scratch that bled profusely. But it wasn't Tristan's nail, it was a metal object attached to his finger, something she had never seen before, but it had caused a stinging pain.

He stumbled back, the needle still attached to his body. Tristan's hands clawed to get it out but the liquid had already been injected into his blood stream. "You little..."

Marianne stumbled back as she found this as her chance to run; her feet turned around and she ran straight into the darkened forest. She had no idea where she was going or what direction she was even going in. But what did she expect when she left everyone she cared for to create a large scale hide and seek with the man that wanted to kill her? Eventually it would have ended like this even if Elijah did find her.

She kept running, breathing deeply trying to catch her breath through her cries. Which way did she go? She reached an open space where any direction was possible, but the choice overwhelmed her as if she chooses wrong, she'd be dead.

Marianne bowled over as the pain in her arm began to burn thanks to the scratch that had been made. It felt like it was spreading to everywhere in her body, making her weaker by the second.

But she battled on through; choosing the right and trying to find her way back to civilisation, where she had came from. As she ran, a hand caught on to hers and pulled her back.

This was it; this was how she would die. A million thoughts ran through her head at the time but when she looked up...


Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now