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Marianne stumbled into the compound, her hand leaning against the wall for support. She wasn't hurt, she had just taken in a lot of information at once, making her feel woozy and nauseous.

She was greeted by a room of people, Rebekah quickly ran up to her and brought her in, realising Marianne's current state. "Marianne, where on earth have you been?" She asked "What happened?"

Marianne sat on a chair, feeling all eyes on her. Her head rested in her hands and she refused to speak, she didn't want to. That was until she heard Elijah's footsteps come down the stairs and his voice speak out "What has happened?" He asked Rebekah, knowing that Marianne would not speak to him.

She stood up. Her hands lowering from her face and a fire igniting in her eyes that she would not kill "You!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, her voice filled with grit and venom as she clenched her jaw.

"You destroyed three years of planning, three years of myself ruining my own life to get to him" she cried "and I traveled with you for six months; your never even hinted anything and then you rip my heart out"

She cried and cried, finally letting every piece of emotion flow through her mouth. "Do you understand how much it hurts? To be thought of as disposable, to be the second choice all of the time"

She stepped forwards, raising her hands and hitting Elijah with her magic, sending him to his knees in pain. "To think it was bad to tear my heart from my chest?" She asked, crying as she spoke "Now I find out you betrayed me and saved Tristan from his death that I had spent the last few years of my life planning"

Elijah couldn't move from his knees. He gasped for breath before his mouth flooded with blood, he could barely see, he couldn't breathe and he felt an unfathomable feeling of something grabbing his heart and squeezing.

"Marianne" Rebekah shouted, running over and grabbing her to pull her back "What are you doing?"

But Marianne was set in her ways, nothing could stop her. "If I kill Elijah, then I kill Tristan" She stared at Elijah's helpless face as he squirmed like a fish out of water. "I can end all of this now"

Elijah's hand began to turn purple, he didn't know she harnessed the power to kill an original without a white oak stake. But he knew that it would kill her if she used all of that power.

"Marianne, no he is my brother" Rebekah pushed her to the floor, intercepting Marianne's magic and saving Elijah from the pain he was put in.

She pushed herself up from the floor. "I-I'm sorry" She looked to Rebekah first, and then towards Elijah, who was staring down at his shirt and how the pristine white had been soaked in red. "I did not know what I was doing"

Marianne began to walk away, standing right in front of Elijah before she went. She looked up at him, her anger now turning into immense regret as she looked him in the eyes and see how relieved he was to still be breathing. "I-" She mouthed the word but she couldn't bring herself to say anything else to him. So she ran up to her room and slammed the door behind her.

Elijah took off his jacket and rolled his sleeves up to stop the blood from soaking through and getting to his arms. He looked to Rebekah who sighed.

And then he followed her.

Marianne sat on her bed, just staring into nothing and thinking about the day she has had. All in the space of an hour or so, she had found out Tristan was still alive and she had almost killed Elijah.

He might have done her wrong in a past life but he didn't deserve to die, not the way she was going to do it.

"I wanted you to feel at least a fraction of what I am suffering through" she spoke as she felt Elijah's presence in the door way. He let some light in from outside, but when he shut the door, they wee plunged into darkness again. "I did not mean for me to almost kill you"

"So, she speaks" Elijah walked further into the room and sat beside her "your anger is perfectly explainable, I understand"

"I only fed Tristan my blood to keep you safe; somehow aurora knew everything and threatened disclosing the information to him" Elijah explained "putting you in danger"

Marianne looked up at him with a grateful look in her eyes "you chose something to protect me, I am thankful for that"

They both fell into silent. "Now that I am speaking" she pushed her head back to redirect the tears back into her eyes, wiping the excess off "maybe i can finally talk about the elephant in the room"

"I've been planning on what I was to say..." Elijah began, trying to gather all of the words he made to apologise and explain how his actions have caused suffering.

"... I will never forgive you, Elijah, for what you did to me" she began.

Elijah was speechless, he felt like something had kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the chest.

"But I can look past it for now, we cannot be what we were, I do not think we will go back to what we were, the trust has gone" she explained something she had been toying with in her mind for days "but we can be alliances, as what I have gathered from the past few days; the only reason for my sudden revival is to aid you in killing a monster. Tristan"

"And I will, I will be your alliance and maybe after a while, a friend" Marianne hated what this did to him. But the trust had gone and she wondered if he ever thought of her as a person, not a weapon. "But when this is all over, I have decided that this place is not for me, so I will leave"

"Marianne-" Elijah mouthed; his voice going through her and igniting flames that had not been lit since she had died. Elijah did something to her that nobody else could ever even attempt, and it broke her heart to say what she said, but Marianne could not go through what she went through again.

"Don't argue, Elijah. You know how stubborn I am" she said "please, I just need to be alone"

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