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Freya felt the tension in her mind as she tried so hard to locate the witch. She looked and looked seeing visions of Marianne in her bed in her room. But that was it, the rest went blurred and just hit her. "I can't" she jumped back from the table "I can't find her"

"Again" Elijah demanded, biting into his hand and dropping blood on the table "draw from my blood, do anything. Just find her"

"I can't" Freya refused "it's like she doesn't even exist"

Elijah stood up and punched the wall beside him "how can I be so stupid?!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the whole compound

"Where is she?!" Tristan walked in to the compound uninvited with strix members trailing his every move. In his hand a very similar envelope to what Elijah and the rest had received. "Tell me you have not lost her" he shouted

"She wrote you?" Elijah asked, snatching the envelope from Tristan's hand "dear Tristan" he began, speaking quickly as his eyes ran over the sentences "here is your final chance to have me to yourself, do what you will with me, kill me, torture me. I have ran, I am completely alone with no protection but my own. Leave the Mikaelson's be because this is all for you, I am giving myself up, with a small fight. This was the deal, correct?"

He could hear the venom in her words as he read "your one and only clue as to where my next destination is would be that I have travelled north on a route taken by something called a bus. Good luck"

Elijah handed the letter back to Tristan "she is definitely not here; it isn't a trick to get us out" he told his vampires "spread out, I want vampires in every state, vampires on the outskirts of Louisiana, vampire trailing buses, everything" he shouted

"Are you really going to leave this behind?" Elijah asked, referring to the upper hand he held over his family "for Marianne?"

"I guess it's kind of a race" Tristan smirked as his vampires disbanded and left. "May the best man win" he walked backwards with his arms outstretched, looking almost victorious.

Elijah didn't waste his time. He let Tristan walked out of the door even though he had this overwhelming urge to rip his heart out, but he had back up.

"Freya" Elijah lifted his jacket hastily from the hook on the wall "keep tracking her, whenever you get the slightest of changes or anything. If you get any visions or even a feeling, call me"

"Wait" Rebekah stopped him "you can't be going now, you can't be going alone"

"What's stopping me?" Elijah asked "it is my fault that she's ran off, and I need to find her before Tristan does, or else none of us will be seeing her ever again"

"You can't go on your own" Rebekah went for her jacket but Elijah stopped her in her tracks.

"I'd prefer you stay here in case she comes back" Elijah told her "or if I'm halfway across the country and she's on the other half, then you can go"

"Are you really going to be travelling that far?" Freya asked "what if we need you?"

"For Marianne, I'd travel across oceans" Elijah took his keys from the table and fiddled with them to hold the one that opened the car. "You have Niklaus, Rebekah, Tristan is following Mariannes traces, so you don't have him to worry about"

"And Hayley?" Freya asked "do you want me to try and get her out whilst constantly tracking Marianne? I am only one person"

"Get Davina to do Hayley's spell; and if not..." Elijah stopped and looked towards his family "Keep Marianne a priority, Hayley can wait"

"Be safe" Rebekah shouted after her brother, a mix of nauseating worry, sadness and hope occurred within her stomach. "And Elijah?"

He turned just before heading out of the door to see what his sisters last words to him would be before he went.

"Is she the one?" She asked, wanting to know the simple answer as her brother had been flitting between two different girls. Rebekah expected him to scoff and walk out without an answer, how could she have made him choose at this split second where one was dead and the other on the run.

Elijah looked to the floor and then back up to his sister, who obviously regretted her choice of words and timing.


Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now