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"I can feel the power under these floorboards" Freya mentioned when ever one was accounted for "I can also feel an overwhelming sadness"

"Welcome to the place Elijah goes every time he shuts his eyes" Niklaus joked "unfathomable despair, self-hatred..."

Elijah shot a very unimpressed glance to his brother. He wasn't in the mood for joking, he particularly wasn't in the mood for anything. What Elijah wanted was to get all of this out of the way, see Marianne and bare the brunt of her anger.

He thought what she might do. She might slap him into a harsh reality, she might shout, cry. Would she even adjust to this life? things had drastically changed since the 10th century. But all of it flowed through his head until he told himself; it might not work.

Freya stood over a crack in the floorboard "I need to absorb her magic in order to bring her back" she said "be warned as though the might have been an average witch in her past life; the magic here has festered beneath the ground, it will be stronger than ever"

It was bound to work. There weren't any real factors that anyone could think of that it wouldn't. And finally, stood in the room where everything happened, where Mikael pinned Klaus up, where Rebekah was frozen to the floor and where Marianne died. Elijah actually felt happy, he actually looked forward to seeing her reanimated.

All of the complications disappeared, and Elijah stepped away from Hayley. Marianne was still his true love and he will see her again despite him telling himself for the past millennium that he wouldn't.

"Rebekah, you need to keep the lid of that coffin down until I say so" Freya demanded and watched as Rebekah pinned both hands on the coffin to keep it down.

That was all the help she needed; knowing that her brother wasn't in the correct mind frame to undertake a job. "Are you ready?" She asked Elijah, holding her hands out for Niklaus and him. "Take my hand"

Both of them walked up and took Freya's hands and grasping on tightly.

"Hayley please draw the curtains" she said. The curtains collided and let out a puff of dust. This house had gone through a few restorations, a few pillars had been erected to keep the stature upright and not falling down. The floors however were original, but everything else had been adapted to defy its deterioration. But nobody came in anymore, the house had gotten beyond repair so it was left to the state.

The room plunged into darkness, the only light was from the candles Freya had lit before hand.

"Just focus" she said as she shut her eyes and looked down towards the ground.

Sigalis Intransium, Exalis Exalis, Omnas Quisa Operum, Sigalis Intransium, Exalis Exalis.

She spoke quietly to begin with, her voice almost a whisper to preserve the energy she'll need later on. Freya repeated the incantation over and over again, slowly getting louder.

And then the flames of the candles blew up, burning brighter than they would naturally. As the candles burnt Rebekah's strength was truly tested as the coffin began to rattle and shake aggressively.

The lid was trying to fling open but Rebekah would not let it. She grunted as she put all of her weight on it to keep it closed.

Freya now shouted at the top of her lungs, her grip slipping from her brother's as an invisible force pulled them. But Elijah clamped on and so did Niklaus, fighting against this force to reach the end.

The candles finally burnt out, creating a thin screen of smoke in the room, as Freya slid her hands out of the grip of her brother's.

She opened her eyes, out of breath, looking at Elijah and then Rebekah before nodding.

Rebekah slowly looked down at the coffin she held closed. She thought everybody worried for Elijah's sanity, but what of hers? Marianne was Rebekah's first and most trusted friends. She was devastated when she died but she held her own, for Elijah's sake.

And now she was underneath this lid.

Rebekah took her time, but she was thrusted back into reality by a faint knocking and scratching on the inside. She wanted out.

With her heart pounding her fingers worked their way around the latch. Rebekah lifted her weight from the coffin as she lifted the lid up.

Marianne slowly sat up, her eyes squinting and adjusting to the real world. Her eyes scanned the room, not particularly focussing on the people but every thing else. Her eyes trailed the ceiling before focussing on the blonde infront of her.

"Rebekah?" Her small voice asked, her blurred vision making her uncertain until she leant in closer. "Oh my goodness, Rebekah it is you" she exclaimed when She was absolutely sure. Marianne pushed herself from her coffin and wrapping her arms around her friend.

"Marianne" Rebekah hugged her back "it is so good to see you again" she was in shock to say the least.

Marianne clutched onto Rebekah's shoulders as she tried to come to terms with everything. She wasn't on the other side anymore, she was alive.

Marianne let go and managed to climb out of the coffin by herself, but as she stood, she needed Rebekah's help otherwise she'd surely fall to the floor.

"Niklaus" Marianne smiled at the sight of the hybrid "you look different" she laughed, leaning on Rebekah until she could stumble over and grab hold of Niklaus.

None of them could believe it. Not even Freya could, and she had never met the girl before.

"Where is Finn? And Kol?" She asked, wanting to see the other brothers again, waning to see everyone together.

"We'll tell you everything" Klaus answered "just let us get you back first"

"And into some modern clothing" Rebekah smiled, admiring the old fashion. Marianne wore the turquoise dress that they buried her in, however it wasn't in very good condition.

Marianne looked at the floor and then back up. Her eyes immediately directing to that of Elijah's.

His heart almost flew from his chest when they locked gazes. He was ready for the storm of words to hit him, he could handle it because of the overwhelming happiness he felt from her just being there.

But Marianne didn't scream, she didn't shout or walk up to him and smack him across the face like he'd anticipated. She simply looked away, not acknowledging him, like she didn't even see him there.

"I expect all of the stories" she smiled innocently, though she owned more of a thousand years in age, she had only had the experiences of an eighteen year old girl. She was still a wide-eyed, wondrous girl who was still exploring. "And I suppose you will have to teach me the etiquette of these modern days. Tell me Rebekah, how much time has passed? What year is this?"

"It's 2016; you are in the 21st century" she told her

Marianne's smile dropped from her face as she realised "a thousand years have passed"

Rebekah nodded "yes and there isn't as much etiquette as you are used to, but we'll work on it"

Marianne nodded "well it might be best to escort me to your living quarters then"

She quickly glanced back at Elijah and then to Rebekah "Rebekah will you take me?"

Mind over Matter ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now