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Elijah knew where he'd find Aurora. Niklaus said he'd collect her for when it was time to leave, he had promised her a life away.

"Elijah" she appeared from the shadows, a surprise look on her face "I was expecting Niklaus"

"Niklaus isn't coming" Elijah spoke through his teeth "he is with the others, ready to leave"

"Well, what are we waiting for?" She asked, Aurora was completely unaware of Elijah's knowledge, and for all she knew, Marianne had been killed by Tristan. That was their plan.

She made to walk past Elijah, but his hand stopping her "you are not coming with us" he broke the news.

"Niklaus would definitely protest" she refused "he loves me, he will not leave without me"

"And I love Marianne" Elijah retaliated, wanting the first time he admits is affections to be to Marianne and under different circumstances "she is coming along with us, with a very heavy heart due to Tristan killing her brother and almost killing her"

Aurora gasped, finally aware that Elijah knew.

"I told you, if you'd break the deal. I will make your life a living hell" Elijah threatened "I will make good on that promise by separating you and Niklaus for the rest of your lives"

Aurora shook her head. Though she was an insane psychopath, she was madly in love with Niklaus. So she ran, she tried to take Elijah by surprise and get to his brother first before they left.

But, Elijah took an aggressive hold on her wrist, feeling it crack under the pressure. "Do not move" he looked her straight in the eye and demanded her not to move.

Aurora stopped, everything inside of her froze; and she couldn't move "I cannot move" she panicked.

Elijah scoffed, well until he saw the panic in Aurora's eyes. She could not move a muscle and even when he let go, and he expected her to run back to Niklaus.

It made him think; what if he held some sort power to control minds, and so he looked her in the eyes and tried again "tell me what you told Tristan" he demanded

"I will not tell you a thing" Aurora spat, enraging Elijah more than she would do. Her arrogance mixed with the way she held herself, he hated her.

"Tell me" he shouted, trying again to see if he could control her mind. This time he concentrated on her psychotic eyes.

"I told him everything, as soon as they were wed; I told him about her brother and her witch heritage, I told him that she planned to kill him" Aurora spilled with no filter "are you going to kill me?"

"I fed him my blood" Elijah realised how stupid he was to trust a spoilt rich girl "and no, I will not kill you; you don't deserve that solace"

"What will you do?" Aurora spoke with fear, knowing that Elijah could now control her.

"Something that may benefit my family as well as torture yours, I have a plan for you, Tristan and Lucien" he thought "but first, you will talk to Niklaus, you will break his heart and call him a monster, you will admit you never truly loved him and you will watch him walk away from you, forever"

"No, Elijah no, I will do anything, please..." She tried to refuse, grabbing his hands and practically begging him not to. But he already convicted himself and there was no way he was going to stop.

"I will break Niklaus' heart" she spoke emotionlessly, her eyes fixating on her compeller.

"And one more thing" Elijah took advantage of her still state and tried again "when me and my family have left the borders, you will no longer be Aurora de Martel, but Rebekah Mikaelson, your brother Tristan will be Elijah and your servant, Lucien will be Niklaus" he listed "Kol and Finn will be the guards outside of the gates, and you will be on the run from your father Mikael, who will kill you when he finds you"

"I will be Rebekah Mikaelson" she repeated, snapping out of her tranced state. Elijah had not yet passed the borders so she remained the same Aurora.

Elijah smiled in a bittersweet triumph "now run along and tell Niklaus how you truly feel" he did feel awfully bad, but Elijah knew that Niklaus would seek comfort within his family where Aurora will be forever tortured, being the one to see him walk away. "I will have a little talk with the others"

"So that is it?" Aurora shouted "you force us against our will to undertake false identities and to run from our homes"

Elijah bunched his fists up and tried not to wreck his perfectly made plan by murdering her. "My dear Aurora" he smiled at her "this situation could have been perfectly avoided if you had kept your large, deceitful mouth shut. If Niklaus had any idea of your true nature, he would hate you"

"You lie" she tried to think of something snappy to say back, something to hurt him. But she couldn't, she was truly bested in this match.

"Do not tell anybody that I spoke to you" he compelled her and with that, he swiftly left Aurora feeling nauseous.

It was a taste of her own medicine indeed.

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