My Diary

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So right now I'm on my bed at my dads house, waiting for tomorrow because tomorrow is a fall festival where my dad lives. So any, who earlier we were driving to his house, on the road we could see the soccer field/ the park, and they were setting up rides. Live carnival rides, with a Ferris wheel.
         The town is going to be to packed. Like China packed. I can't wait! I get to see datcoolbro3 there.
There is root beer at the festival, and these painted fairies I got once. I got a fairy that looked like my sister, but I lose it so....I'm planned to get a boy fairy and a girl one. Yet, they have great food there to!
     They have sweet butter corn, hamburgers and hotdogs.
                Yet, we are on a limit for money, so yeah we can't get ALOT of stuff. Hehe I can't wait......tomorrow I will write about it. It will be very described very well don't you worry guys!

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