Today at school, during gym

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Okay, I do not play volleyball. I have never been on a team ever. But during gym at my school, we have been playing volleyball.

In our last game, the other team serves the ball and it is in the air in front of my, but I guess my brain didn't send signals to my hands quick enough,  because time went by very quickly, and by the time I hit the ball, my hands didn't do what I wanted them to do, and I hit the ball under the net. Not what you are suppose to do, because the other team got a point.


At this moment I just closed my eyes, and I could feel my face slightly warm up with blush, because you know why?! In my gym class, it's just all of us girls in the same grade, and by this point some of my class mates in this gym class have been playing volleyball their whole lives, or have at least been on a single volleyball team.
Nope not me!
So, I didn't want to open my eyes at all, but I did. And once I did, I just took one step away from the ball and this girl on my team said "You aren't suppose to hit the ball under the net, you are suppose to hit it over the net."

I said "Well um sorry sis I don't play volleyball, so shhh."

Because you know why? Just because we are playing volley ball in a freaking gym class, you shouldn't act like "Oh my god this is a real volley game, and I need to treat people in here that have never played volleyball once in their lives like crap."

No! No! DON'T YOU EVER TREAT SOMEONE LIKE THAT BECAUSE THEY DON'T DO A THING THAT YOU DO. Because you know why? Those people that don't do what you do,  will get very annoyed at you.

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