Corona Virus Entry for June 16, 2020

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(This entry was written today June 16, 2020).

I had a little friend in my backyard today.

We (me and my dad) practiced driving once again, and after had Taco Bell

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We (me and my dad) practiced driving once again, and after had Taco Bell. I am getting way better at backing up.
On other words though, I am disgusted by my mom. At this point, I can't believe that she gave birth to me and that I am related to her.
Here's what happened:
So I have a cousin named Krisda. Krisda has two kids with a African American man named Edward. My mom says she loves them all so dearly, yet she has made a horrible mistake that she will never be able to take back. On one of Edward's Facebook posts, she made a racist comment while saying: "I don't condone using the n word" but yet she used the n word multiple times in the comment. Because of this, both Edward and Krisda have unfriended and blocked her on Facebook. It's about time she learns a lesson, she has done things like this in the past and has never learned from those things. At this point, I would even dare to say that my step mom isn't my step mom but is my mom. 

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