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     I think expections are utter bull. Hear me out. Every human on this planet has gotten expections plastered right onto them. And you know what? I don't think that's very fair.

    No human (well I believe) should have expections put onto themselves just because the adverage for whatever they are does that thing.

   "Oh you should only be walking on the right side of the hallway." One of the teachers said to me, at this new school. Well sorry, I have only been here for like one month. Sorry I didn't know.


   "Hey do you wear perfume? " I got that question asked to me by a boy here at this new school, and I'm glad he's not in my grade. I got asked this question because well my gender. Just some people have the expection in their mind, that all girls wear perfume. Which they don't, and I'm one of those girls that don't.

     I say people should just lower their expections by ALOT. I have rested my case.

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