Corona Virus Entry for August 12, 2020

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(This entry was written today August 12, 2020).

This entry was will be a small rant.

I just wish this virus would go away, because it is making everybodys' lives more stressful and some people are putting their own stresses onto other people. I will be talking about some of my co-workers today and such, but I will not be using their real names. I will be using fake names, in case they ever see this entry or anything like that happens.

Last night, I was working with Bob and Elizabeth and we were closing.
I was sweeping, and Elizabeth goes outside to take out the trash. When she comes back, I'm still sweeping and she starts to comment about places I have missed. She does this about four times, and I go over to where she said I had missed and I keep sweeping. She then goes into the back of the store and does something and then comes back to Bob and starts to talk, talking bad about me. I wasn't really doing anything wrong, but they start to talk anyways.
Elizabeth: "How long did Mark (not his real name but a new guy that has started to work at our store, around 20) take to sweep?"
Bob: "Around like two minutes."
Elizabeth then looks over at me with anger in her eyes and states "Yeah and you have been sweeping for like twenty minutes." She then takes the broom away from me and starts to sweep. This bothered me to my core, so much so that I went home last night and cried. Now, why did this upset me alot? Well for two reasons.
One: Elizabeth and Bob were both talking crap about me. (I was right by them and they didn't even whisper). They were questioning why I was taking so long to sweep, and comparing me to Mark saying that he was already so much better at sweeping then me and that he was new and everything. That is not ok at all to do to someone. Hopefully, the manager of the store sees them both treating me how they did last night eventually and will talk to them about it. I know I really can't do anything about that at all. Also, Bob and Elizabeth both know that this is my first ever job. All of the workers came into the back of the store for my interview, and they saw me state that this would be my first ever job ever. Two: Recently, let us call her Becky, either got fired from her job or quit. From what I have heard, Becky would always get distracted while working and such. I don't know this at all, but I'm pretty sure that Elizabeth thinks that I am starting to work like Becky or something and is trying to get Bob on her side. Possibly, she might just want to work with Mark more because she might like him in a romantic sense. All I know for sure, is that Elizabeth wants to drop out of either highschool or college and that she hates being the end shift manager. She did not need to treat me how she did last night at all. Whatever she was going through, she did not need to put all of that stress and anger onto me at all. Hopefully, once school starts again for me she will not want to work there anymore and she will quit. That is what I am hoping for. Because, immediately after Mark clocked out, she started to be annoyed, snippy, and angered. But guess what?! This is my first ever job and I have no idea what I am doing. I am so sorry that Mark is way better then me at sweeping. So sorry miss princess. I hope you went home and smoked your weed.
Also, one more thing to add. It has nothing to do with my co-workers but it still has to do with work. So I was talking about this with Dad and Penny. To what I thought was the end of the chat, I go on my phone and start to like and complement people's art on Twitter since I thought we were wrapping up the chat and that it was going to be over but clearly I was wrong because Penny then looks over at me and said "Oh, and yeah you aren't listening because you are in your phone." I told her that I was, but clearly she didn't know that I thought that the chat was wrapping up. Then she tells me "No. You aren't listening respectfully." She then storms off. Well, how come you are allowed to storm off? You told me I can not do that, but how come you are allowed to? Doesn't make much sense at all.

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