Corona Virus Entry for August 18, 2020

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(This entry was written today August 18, 2020).

Dear Corona Virus:

I hope you are gone before I graduate from highschool. That would be real nice. Because of you, like I have said before I think, you are making everybody so more stressed then they need to be and then those people are putting their own stress onto other people because they don't know how to handle their own personal anxieties and stresses and when you do that, it doesn't work out as well. Also, because of you, you are making life WAY harder then it needs to be. I mean, yes I know life isn't supposed to be easy, but because of you I have to wear a mask to work and now even when I ride the bus to school. Yes, I know why we need to wear masks to make sure people aren't getting you/getting you and dying from you. But, ALOT of North America doesn't seem to understand that for some reason. There is alot of people in this country that will only wear a mask if it's a law where they live, not because it is a good thing to do. By wearing a mask, you are saving lives. It's like getting vaccines. It's as simple as that really. From what I have heard, there are even some countries that have gotten over you and they are living their normal lives as if the virus wasn't a thing at all. Everybody is sick and tired of you. Go away. Be gone just like your cousin the SARS corona virus. That would be great. And possibly, now my step mom and dad think they have you. Which isn't great at all. They aren't that old at all, but you would probably effect them way more then me. The other night, dad was like "Yeah we have probably gotten the virus already because we are all healthy." Then he says the completely opposite: "Yeah actually me and Penny have been more tired then usual." You are making people question whether or not they have you, and it adds to their daily stresses and starts the whole cycle I talked about above. Also, this isn't really a big thing at all but because of me wearing a mask because of you, I am getting more ance then I would usually would. That sucks, but like I have said it's not that big of a deal. I can hide the ance that's on my chin, and cheeks with a mask, but that just makes my ance worse. Also, with you now happening in the summer, that's also doesn't help. In the summer, (with my experience) people are so stressed and mad anyways because it is so hot and unbearable. Just go AWAY.

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