Waterbottles in my history class.

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      So, in my history class in school, you aren't allowed to bring water bottles to drink in his class.

   And I know why. His first years teaching three people overdosed from drugs being in their water.

      I understand why he doesn't let his students have water bottles in his class.

     But I have his class 6th hour. Okay. But today, I was so tried and so thristy, like it was too much. And his class you only get 3 bathroom passes for 1 quarter I believe.

    It felt like my mouth was a dry, sandy, desert, that hadn't seen rain in months. And I don't drink as much water as I am suppose to, which is pretty bad.

   But anywho, the moral of this, is that I could've gotten a drink of water, using a water fountain, yet that would've used one of my bathroom passes  (I think). And if you don't use any of your passes for the quarter you get extra points for his class.

    So it's my health against the government I say. And the government just wants me to be safe, yet it will not be safe if like I pass out from not having any barley (but a milk carton) anything to drink at school. That's not safe as well....

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