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"I hate prep schools." I said, tugging on the collar of my uniform. Freddy nudged my shoulder, "nothing bad ever happens in prep schools. Besides, at least we're still together in the same school." He showed me his usual grin. Freddy's been my friend since I was five. Although, being twelve now, and him being thirteen, I actually had a chance at showing him I wasn't a boring nerd.
He always said how sometimes, I need to drop the books, and pick up a baseball bat. Not exactly sure why he said a baseball bat, when he clearly knows I'm into soccer. Some childhood friend he is. Freddy and I started talking about how our parents got us into this school. He knows my dad is abusive and could never afford a single lollipop. But, I know his mom was the one who helped me get into this preppy fancy school, by convincing my dad to get a job. But, I've been feeling guilty. I want to pay her back for doing all of this for me.
"Earth to Alison! Alison!" He yells. He snaps his fingers to get my attention. He frowns worriedly, "you've been spacing out a lot lately, is everything ok?"

My eyes droop a bit. He notices and places a hand on my shoulder. He's about to wrap his arm around my shoulder, when a girl with blonde hair runs up to him. She holds her hand out, and glances at me. "I'm Summer, and I hope we can be friends," she says blushing. "Um... Sure. Summer, this is Alison, my girl-- uh, friend. Friend." He corrected himself. That's new. She glanced at me again. Then she took off like a roadrunner from Loony Toons. I smile wearily at him, "she seems to like you. Why don't you ask her out?"

He shakes his head. "I'm not into her. To be honest, I don't really want a girlfriend right now. I'm gonna wait when the time is right to ask this one girl out." I frowned a bit. I may have a little crush on him, but, last year he told me he had a crush on a girl named Jade Rubio. Of course he liked her. She had long blonde hair, and all I had was brown hair with golden highlights. She has blue eyes, I have hazel eyes. Lightly tanned skin, olive skin. She had everything and she was so popular and athletic. I'm just a social outcast and a nerd.
I grinned, "and I'm sure she'll say yes." Freddy blushed a crimson red color, and turned away. "I'm glad you say that. Because I'm sure Jade likes me too."

He starts walking down the hall, but, stops as he notices that I stay in place. He walks back to me, grins, and takes my hand.
Mr. Finn shows the essay he took from someone on the board. I sat next to Freddy, he leaned over and whispered my name. "What is it Freddy?" I grinned. "I'm bored. What about you?" He asked in a plain voice. I shrug. "I don't really like English. In fact I'm only half listening." I say thinking out loud. "Alison and Freddy!" Mr. Finn says, obviously filled with rage. Slight rage. No rage? I don't really know. The whole class turns to us. "Alison. I know you are very smart and capable of being in control of yourself. But, Freddy, I assume you started the conversation. I'm going to have to give you lunch detention." Freddy sighs.
"Mr. Finn!" I say, just as he was about to turn around. "I started the conversation." I lied. His eyes widen, and Freddy looks at me with surprise. Mr. Finn sighs and points at both of us. "Stay in here during lunch. I want to talk to you two."
"But--" I began, but, was cut off by the teacher. "Alison."

I hung my head in defeat. Gee, was lunch going to be great.

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