YOᑌᖇᔕ TᖇᑌᒪY

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I found a note taped to my locker.
I carefully took it off, and opened it up. I scanned the paper, and my eyes widened. This can't be true, no, I thought. Someone placed a hand over my shoulder, and I jumped. Freddy laughed.
"Wow, everything's setting you off lately. Hey, what's-" before he could finish his sentence, I stuffed it in my pocket and smiled widely. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it," I said. Confusion crossed his face, and he sighed. "Fine, I understand. What, is it a love note?" He teased. I blushed furiously, and I just went with it. I nodded my head, and he looked taken aback.
"O-oh. Oh, okay! I get it, you don't want to tell your best friend what that note says, I understand," he said. I smiled at him.
He mustn't know what the note says.


For the first time since I joined, I was actually nervous to go. I wasn't exactly friends with Summer anymore, and Tamika gave me the silent treatment for that. The guys told me, that it won't last awhile, since Tomika isn't the one to hold grudges. It was May, and I was awaiting the last day of school, which is in three weeks. Everyone was buzzing with excitement, since some will be graduating, and some will be moving on the next grade.
Everyone was heading for their buses, and cars, getting ready to leave for the day. I walk into the practice room, but no one's there. The instruments aren't out like usual, and neither were the students. "Hello?" I called out. No answer. I found another note taped to my desk.

Better hurry
-Yours truly
My phone buzzed, and I took it out.

FredIsCool: Hey, where r u?

I was about to send him a message, when somebody spoke up. "Better not tell him where you are. And by the way, we cancelled practice," she said. I turned around, her golden hair cascading down her shoulders. "What do you want?" I asked. She pressed a finger against her lips, and told me to follow her. I'm so stupid aren't I?
I followed her out of the school, and we saw the last bus pull away. She motioned me to follow her some more, and I did.
We were behind the school, and we stopped.
"What do you want? I'm sorry, okay? I didn't-" I stopped when I heard a click. She held a gun in her hands, her finger against the trigger. What's a sixth grader doing with a gun? And how did she get it? Where did she get it?
"Get down on your knees. Get down!" She yelled. I was hopeful that a teacher would hear us, but no such luck. I didn't do as she wanted, and suddenly, a gunshot rang out.

I stumbled to the floor, holding my wound. Blood poured out of my wound, and dropped to floor. I held my shoulder, and all I could feel was pain. She laughed like a maniac, and shot another bullet, piercing my side. I tried my best to hold out, but everything was beginning to blur together. I couldn't speak. I was afraid that if I did, my words would fumble out, and I'd become a hot mess. She walked over to me, and placed a finger on my forehead. "Poor little Alison. Looks like your hero won't be here after all." After that, I blacked out.

Freddy POV

It was late. I had that feeling that something was wrong. I didn't know what, but I felt it. I grabbed my jacket, and put it on.
"Mom, I'm going out! I'll be back in awhile," I called out. She called back, and I ran out the door. I got on my skateboard, and started riding back to school. Somethings definitely wrong. I don't know what, but I can feel it, I thought. I arrived in a few minutes, and ran into the school.
"Alison?!" I called out. No response. If she had left, she would've been home by now. I ran back outside, and I saw a small trail of blood. My eyes widened. I followed the trail.
It led to the gym storage closet outside. I continued to follow the trail, and it ended at the entrance. I opened the door, and I stopped.
Blood was everywhere, and the blood came from a small body, laying down on the floor. She was pale. "Alison!?" I yelled out. I ran to her, and pressed my ear against her chest. I sighed in relief. I could barely make out a small heartbeat, which means she's still alive.

I took my phone out, and dialed.

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