ᑫᑌEᔕTIOᑎᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᗩᑎᔕᗯEᖇᔕ

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I said said goodbye to Mr. Finn and thanked him for helping me.i the. Grabbed my things and went to my next class. After school, me and Freddy started walking home. "I got a text from Mr. Finn. He texted to see if everything you told me was true. I said yes, of course." He smiled, but I frowned. "What's wrong little angel?" He asked. That was his nickname for me. Angel. He called me angel because he said I was a goody- two shoes. I shook my head.
"You look pale again. Somethings definitely wrong. I think your health dropped a notch or two." He placed his hand on my forehead. "You don't have a fever, but you're sweating a lot! Did your dad have any medication for you before you left?" He asked. My eyes widened.
I suddenly remembered the tabs I took every day and night. Oh god, I think I'm gonna-.
I leaned over and spewed my guts out on the sidewalk. Freddy gasped and held my hair away from my face as he rubbed my back. "Holy crap, are you okay?" He asked dumbfounded. I shot daggers at him, "what does it look like?"
He signed and picked me up again. I held onto his shirt as if my life depended on it. We finally reached his house when I tugged on his collar.
"Freddy, put me down." I said eagerly. He set me down and I threw up again. We went on like this when we got inside
His house. I threw up, he held me, I threw up, he held me, and so on. An hour later he had came back with the tabs. He told me he snuck through my window and took the medicine off of my nightstand. I smiled warily at him, "it's nice knowing you're going through all this trouble for me."
He handed me a tab and I put it I. My mouth, swallowing it along with a gulp of water. He chuckled slightly. His face went serious.
"What happened to your mom? I know this is sudden and all, but, when I met you she was never with you. Why?" He asked, while gently caressing my hair. "She died an hour after she had me. I don't even remember what she looks like." I said sighing. He hesitated, "is that why your dad drinks and abuses you?"
I nod. " I don't understand the abusing part, but I understand the alcohol." He hesitated again. He then leaned over and kissed my forehead. I blushed.
"Why did you-" I started, but he kissed my cheek. He then started to lean in again, but was stopped by his ringing phone. He smirked at me, and answered walking out the door. He kissed me. Freddy actually kissed me. Well, not a mouth kiss, but, a cheek and forehead kiss. That's good enough. My inner nine year old self squealed. Freddy came back a few moments later. "It's my parents. Not only did they receive the text from Mr. Finn, but they're also going to stay out another two months."  He said. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. I blushed and stuttered over my next words, "F-Freddy, why d-did you kiss me?" He blushed a deep Crimson color.
"U-um, let's just say you looked like you needed some affection- crap! I mean love, I mean, you know what I mean." He blushed even deeper.
Does that mean he likes me back?

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