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Alison's POV

I walk outside to find Freddy posing for a picture. I snicker to myself. "What was all that about?" I ask once they're in earshot. Freddy just smiles, "it's for the yearbook, Alison." I raise an eyebrow, "you were voted for something?"
He nods, "I was voted best." Zach looked at him, "best what?" Freddy shrugged, "just best." I ruffled his hair, "not the hair!" He says. I begin to laugh hysterically, until I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I stop and look, half expecting to see Zach or Freddy or anybody else that's a good friend to me.
I was wrong. Matthew smirks, and ruffles my hair, "you're cute when you laugh." I blush, "leave me alone."
Matthew wraps his arms around my waist, while I try to free myself from his grasp. Why isn't Freddy doing anything? He freaked out the last time this guy made a move on me.
Mathew wrings his hands through my loose hair. I push him away, and stick my tongue out at him. " You're just making yourself look more adorable. " he said, winking.
I glared at him.
"Just leave her alone." Says Zach. "She obviously doesn't like you." Says Freddy, pushing behind him. Matthew could only grumble. "You obviously want her just as a friend. Forget it, Fred." Matthew said.
Zach walks up Matthew (who seems way taller than Zach) and pushes him. Matthew raises an eyebrow, "am I supposed to feel threatened?"
Zach frowns, "duh."
I face palm. Freddy couldn't hold back a small laugh, "what was that for?" I smile, "couldn't help it." Matthew looked over and glared, "couldn't help what?" He asked. He then smirked, "couldn't help at think about me, Alison?"
I shook my head, "I'd never think about you."
He chuckles, "you sure about that?" He licks his lips and I shiver. "Pervert," I mutter.
For a minute there, I thought he didn't hear me. But he did.
"What did you say?" He said, practically yelling. I wouldn't be surprised if a teacher comes out here.
"I said nothing! Now leave me alone!" I say. He begins to walk over to us. My hand tightens around Freddy's shirt. But, before he could reach us, Zach steps in the way. Matthew stops, and bursts out in laughter, "am I supposed to be afraid!?"
Zach glances at us, then at the door. I got his message, and I took Freddy to the door. We watched from the window.
"What's Zach gonna do?" Asks Freddy. I shake my head. "I honestly don't know." A minute later, Zach comes in.
I hug him, "Zach, what happened?" He shook his head, "nothing, really. I just told him to piss off and find some other girl to harass." I grin at him, "thanks. I owe you one!" I punch his shoulder playfully.
Freddy shrugs, "c'mon! We're already late for class." He starts walking down the hallway, and stops to look back at us. He motions us to follow him and we do.

That's when I realize something.
"Hey, Freddy? Isn't class that way?" I say, pointing to the other end of the hall. He smirks, "I know. We're ditching class!"
I choke on my spit and start a coughing fit. "Freddy, we can't skip class!" Says Zach while he pats my back. Freddy just chuckles and shrugs.
"Fine, do what you want. I'm skipping. It'll save me from getting in trouble." He continues to walk down the hallway.
"What changed him?" I asked softly, as me and Zach make our way to class. "What do you mean?" He asked.
"He wasn't like this before. Maybe something or someone changed him." I said. Zach shrugs, " maybe it was you."
Zach quickly covers his mouth. "Wait, what!?" I say. "Nothing." He says. I sigh, "I already know Freddy has feelings for me. Don't try to hide it. Besides, I feel the same way." Zach looks at me.

We then both look down the hall, just in time to see Freddy turn the corner.

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