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I rest my head on my desk. "Why can't you go back? He's your father," says Summer. I feel like slapping her. I raise my head, and shoot daggers at all of them. They all sigh, and do things nervous people would do.
"Because he abused me! That's why," I say. Summer apologizes and I nod, accepting it.
"Summer's right. I think you should go back and work things out," says Freddy. They all turn to him, and I'm baffled.
He... Wants me to leave him? That's not the Freddy I know.
Summer blushes as if she just realized who's on her side. I mentally role my eyes. "Why do you want me to leave? Did I cause you a problem?" I ask. Freddy shakes his head, "my parents will be home soon, and I don't want them to ask a lot of questions."

He's lying.

Freddy never lies to me. What happened to the guy I knew?

I clear my throat, and he glances at me as if he realized that I caught him lying. "Freddy, can I talk to you for a bit?" I ask. I can see him gulp, and he nods. We walk out of the room, eyes following us. We talk outside of the classroom. I begin, "what was that, just now?"
"What was what?" He asks. "Don't deny it. You clearly lied to me about your parents coming home soon. Last week, I heard you say they got delayed and had to stay back for another month," I explain. Freddy stares at the ground, "okay, fine, I lied to you. You happy?" I glare at him, "no, I'm not happy. You're my best friend, why would you lie to me?"
I can see guilt in his eyes.
"I lied to you, because you seriously caused me a lot of trouble this past month," he confessed. I knew it.
I stare at my feet.
He reaches to pat my head, but I take a step back. "Look, Al, I'm sorry. Your the last person I want to-"

"Oh shut up!" I snap. He flinches.
"You keep on say that, and yet you still do it. Don't your remember the promises we made when we became friends?" I said.
He raises his hands in exasperation and let's them fall to his side. "how am I supposed to remember that, it was seven years ago!" He yells. He never yelled at me before.
I keep my mouth shut, until I mumble those four words, "because you love me."
His eyes slightly widen, and he looks at everything but me.
"Alison, I'm-" he was interrupted by Mr. Finn who just so happened to arrive on time. He carried a box. "Go inside, class is gonna start," he says. "Just let me-" I cut Freddy off. "Okay, I'll go in," I say. Mr. Finn and Freddy watch me go inside.
"Did I interrupt something important?" I hear Mr. Finn say. "No, we just finished," Freddy said.
"For now."
I've been running out of ideas lately, and I just got this one! Don't worry, this book will go up until they graduate! I'll be doing this grade they're in now, and the next grade (forgot if its sixth or seventh grade they're in).
If you would like, you can give me ideas by writing in the comments, and I'll mention you! Thank you!

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