
911 22 3

I walked down the sidewalk, but nearly regret it when I reach his door. I reach my hand out towards the knob, but I stop myself. Something stopped me. I took a deep breath, and opened it. To my surprise, it was unlocked.
I close it gently behind me, and head upstairs. I open the door, and gasp.
"W-WHAT THE HELL?!" I yell out. Freddy and Summer were making out on Freddy's bed! Thank god I stopped it here before it got to far.
Summer screamed, and she started throwing things at me. Freddy tried to to calm her down, but she just got up and left, sending me a death glare as she passed by.
I heard the door slam downstairs.
Freddy didn't look at me. "What do you want?" He asked. I stared at the ground, and placed my diary on his desk. "I just wanted to bring you something before I seize to exist," I said.
Something didn't feel right. I felt light headed and I couldn't breathe very well. Something's wrong.
Freddy sat there in silence. "You can leave now. Bye," he says.
I ball my hands into fists. The lump in my throat won't go away, and I felt as if Freddy was the animal and I was the dirt he walked on.
I began to shake, fury building up inside. Everything that I've been holding in for the past two days, is going to explode!

He seemed to notice, but doesn't do anything to help.
"Fine. I'll leave. See you at school tomorrow," I say. The physical pain in my chest won't leave, and I have to clutch my heart to steady myself. Maybe I'm nervous. I've taken my medicine. Everything.
I walk through the hallway, remembering everything from our friendship. This is it. It's over.
"Stop," he says. And I do so.
He places his hand on my shoulder, and turns me around. He places a locket in my hand, and closes my fingers around it tightly. "Keep this. Please," he says. I nod. But, the pain comes back. He pulls me into a hug, and before I knew it, I was sliding down, groaning from the pain. I struggled to breathe, and Freddy began to freak out. But, I can't hear him. It's all a blur. My visions fuzzy too.
My throat itched, and I felt numb. Before I knew it, I had fainted.

OMFG!!! I had to search up the sickness
You'll find out about her sickness in the next chapter which will probably be posted in a few minutes or tomorrow. ~Sage

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