ᗯᖇOᑎG ᑎOT ᖇIGᕼT (38)

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3rd POV

Freddy missed her company.
What made it worse, was that she barely remembered anything that had happened this month. He worked hard in class, for him and Alison. He would often skip practice, resulting in an argument with some of his friends, saying that he needs to focus a little less on Alison and more on the band. That's what finally tore at him. He snapped, and started yelling out at them.
"How could you even say that!? She's your friend too!" He recalled saying. Everyone was taken aback by his sudden outburst. They've never seen him like this.
They all agreed to give him his space. Of course, they obviously didn't understand what he was doing. Neither did him.
Alison was finally discharged from the hospital, with only three days of school remaining. It wouldn't be long before they would all leave for seventh grade.
They were staying at the same school, but they were unsure if they would still be able to meet up with Mr. Finn after school.
Alison and Freddy were walking to school in silence. Freddy remembered that he tried to get Alison to regain her memory, but he had failed many times. He had her with him, but not entirely. Sometimes, he felt as if it was a good thing that she lost her memory. But, he was afraid that she forgot about her having asthma. And that's what really struck him. She might've forgotten that she had that sickness, but Freddy wanted to break it down to her slowly. She might not understand. But, he still wanted to find out how this happened. How she lost her memory. Everything. He opened the door for her, and they headed off to their lockers. After that, they headed on to first period.

Mr. Finn' s class

Freddy whispered into his ear. Mr. Finn nodded, and Freddy sat down. The teacher glanced at Alison, who was doing her work. He took a sharp breath, and walked over to her desk. Freddy slightly trembled. This was it. The headache came back to him, and he held his breath. Am I sick? He thought. He didn't know. Every once in awhile, his head would hurt. He sometimes couldn't stand the pain, but just went with it. Some of his friends had taken notice, but decided not to do anything since they wanted to give him space.
As Alison and Mr. Finn spoke outside of the class, Freddy could hear snippets of their conversation. He was telling her. The tip of his pencil broke, but the headache didn't go away. He couldn't stand it. What was it that was bothering him?
He could feel a slight fever creeping up on him, and sweat trickled down his left temple. He felt sick. He suddenly got up, and rushed out of the classroom, passing by Alison and Mr. Finn. They both had confused looks on their faces.

Alison's POV

I talking to Mr. Finn, when Freddy suddenly rushed out of the classroom. I had a confused look on my face. What's wrong with him? He's been acting strange lately. Something's been bothering him, but I don't know what.
He's been ditching practice a lot too. I asked Tamika about it, but she wouldn't tell me anything. Then Summer, but I remembered about what Freddy told me. I then asked Zach and Lawrence, but they said they didn't know either.
Maybe he was just sick.
And that's when it snapped. I remember.
I remember everything.

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