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Freddy and I dragged our feet on the floor with our lunch as we headed to our English class. We entered the classroom. That's odd, no one was in here. Freddy didn't seem to care and walked over to his normal class seat. I sat in my desk which was to his left. Funny, how I always got left things. I'm left handed by the way.
Freddy sighs and starts to eat his sandwich. I don't feel like eating. I didn't feel very well to begin with. Once Freddy finished he turned to me, but stayed silent. It was the longest we've ever gone without talking to each other. An eternity.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." He said breaking the silence. "It's not your fault. Besides, we both know how it turned out." He nodded. "I just wish I hadn't talked to you in the first place. We wouldn't be in this case."

I giggled at his choice of wording at the end. He looked up, "why are you laughing?" He asked. I didn't realize I was laughing hysterically until he said so. "It's just, the way you said that last sentence." I said breathing a bit.
I mimicked his voice, which I did a terrible job at, "' we wouldn't be in this case.'" Before I knew it, Freddy started laughing too. "You're terrible at voice impressions. Try sounding like Kim Kardashian." He said.

"I don't even know what Kim Kardashian even sounds like." I said. I started my coughing fit, just as Mr. Finn walked in.
He had a small smile on his face. Freddy patted my back, and looked up. "Now, I understand." He said.
Freddy and I looked at each other with confused looks. "I understand why you talked during class. You two are inseparable. You can't go a second without talking to one another. And I'm gonna keep it that way."
" I didn't think he'd actually do this when he told us." Freddy said. "Yup." I said. "I guess it just shows how serious he is." Freddy said, raising an eyebrow.

We both stared at our desks. They were put together. The class stared at us and the desks confusingly. I scratched my head and Freddy rubbed his chin. Mr. Finn walked in, and everyone looked from him, to us, to the desk.  The teacher just smiled and nodded. "I'll explain later. Everyone, take your seats." Me and Freddy took our seats.
I coughed a little, "this is really awkward." I breathed. Freddy nodded, and glanced at me. We didn't talk throughout the class, which was difficult, considering the fact that we noticed some very funny "mistakes," or Easter eggs. Freddy pointed out that Mr. Finns zipper was down, and I held my breath to keep in a laugh. Five minutes later, I pointed out that he had a booger in his nose. He laughed silently to himself, and when the teacher looked up, his head went down with a frown.
"Alright class. I said I would explain the 'desk incident'." He said with air quotes. "Freddy and Alison seem to have a strong bond. So, I let them sit next to each other." I look to my right, and a guy with black slicked back hair wiggled his eyebrow. I blushed and turned away.

I shuddered. We were outside. "That was the most awkwardest situation in my life." I said, still shuddering. "Are you cold?" Freddy asked concerned. I shook my head. "Just goosebumps, I hope." I said softly.  I took my book out, "that new?" Asked Freddy. I nodded. "I don't plan on reading it though." I said. "And why is that?" He asked, sipping a Pepsi.
I shrugged. "I get a feeling. I don't know, I always get feelings."

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