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An hour passed and I still layed in front of the door. The knob rattled, and I opened it to be face to face with Freddy. He looked concerned, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Where the hell were you, I was worried sick!" He stopped when he took a better look at me. His eyes sunk into me, and I started sobbing again. He closed the door behind him, and he ruffled my hair. "Hey, what's up? What happened while I was gone?" He asked gently caressing my hair.
I shook my head, "I just saw my crush kissing a girl in the hallway, that's all." It wasn't exactly a lie. It was half the truth.
His eyes slightly widened.
"Oh, well who is this guy?" He asked curiously. I mentally hesitated. I looked up at him, "you."
He stepped away from me. He furiously shook his head, "no, you're lying! Best friends can't--" I cut him off.
"You know I wouldn't lie to you!" He rubbed his hands on his face, "so that was you in the hallway."
He stopped abruptly, "wait, you like me? As in like like me?" I nodded. He raised his arms and let them fall to his sides, "look, I wish we could be together, but, if we end up breaking up then it'll be awkward. I'm sorry, but, I don't feel the same way you feel towards me." He then left and went upstairs. Why make it awkward later when it already is?
I patched up my knee and took a shower. Once I finished, I locked the door and layed on my bed, sulking. I heard the knob turn an hour later. "Alison? Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you. Hurting you is the last thing I would do to such a sweet angel like you. If you want we could still be friends." He said through the door. Just friends? What happened to best friends? The lump in my throat grew, and I was sure he could tell I was about the cry. "Just please leave me alone Freddy." "Can you at least unlock the door?" He asked gently.
I got up and unlocked it. He slowly opened it, and shut the door behind him. We stood there silently.
He took his shirt off, but for the first time; I didn't blush. He handed it to me. "Why are you--" he cut me off. "I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore. And if you decide on that, I'll let you have a memory of me."
I blinked back my tears, but they still streamed down my face. "Freddy, I-" I stopped when I felt a pair of lips on mine. Freddy's kissing me?
His lips were warm against mine, and I felt my face heat up. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I placed mine on his neck. He broke the kiss and both of us stood there, panting.
He blushed deeper than ever imaginable. I didn't blush. But, then I did. Because, I realized that his shirt was off and his hands were a bit lower than when we started.
Freddy stuttered, "I-I-I'll go take a shower, b-b-bye."
(Freddy POV)
I stood in the shower and registered everything that had happened. I kissed Alison! And I liked it! I can't believe this actually happened. To be honest, I've had my eye on her since the "Jade Incident." But, after I met Catty, things changed. I met her the day Alison left the hospital. She was attractive and I couldn't keep myself in control. So when the party came, I totally lost it and kissed her. Turns out she felt the same way about me. She was a year younger, but, she was still cute. But Alison's cuter. The way she looked in that dress almost gave me a nosebleed. That's why I left her.
Then I found Catty. I found out she goes to our school.
She probably thinks we're dating,

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